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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Amcor

La Défense (92)

Overview of role purpose:

The Business Analyst mission is to animate, challenge, analyse and follow up all value+/business analysis activities. He/She will support implementation of new tools and new processes. He will monitor that processes are properly followed and will ensure a rigorous reporting throughout the Cluster. With his strong analytical skills, the Value+ Europe will also be able to provide ad hoc analysis when requested.
Key Accountabilities: The Business Analyst is helping and supporting the Europe sales team in following up existing process and report as well as helping the team in implementing new processes and tool at cluster or site level.
Business Analyst is an expert in all available database (Pandora / PMDB / SFDC) and is able to extract, cross check and analyse information from all these tools to identify trend, spot potential issue and report to the competent team member.
PMDB (Pocket Margin Data Base) Quarterly data : Ensure PMDB is completed in due time by Plant Finance Controller Analyse at BU/Cluster level the big trends and variances Facilitate (when required) implementation of “best practices” on PMDB model
Sales Masterdata & Pandora upload : Ensure Sales Data in Pandora are uploaded properly in time, are always available and accurate Participate to month end Sales reporting Master Pandora database to do ad hoc analysis and report
Sales Budget Process : Participate actively to the Sales Budget Process (along with central V+ team) Help in analysing / checking / challenging Sales Executive feedback Support in consolidating all data Support in Report and analysis preparation
V+ reporting : Participate to the V+ Monthly report with the different team member Supporting V+ team in report and analysis of data Faciliate new report definition and implementation (when require) Prepare ad hoc analysis when required
Sales Force.Com follow up : Follow up on SFDC actions and ensure that all actions are up to date and accurate. Facilitate SFDC follow up, along with Cluster V+ manager Validate all actions for Europe
QSP (Quaterly Spot Price) : Ensure QSP data are updated every quarter Implement all major changes (new products, new machines…) Challenge Sales team when his approval is required Animate & analyse Agora process and Database Adapt the QSP to fulfil DR (new product development)
Value + : Ensure Value + are done in due time and quality and approved by the right level of management (Capsules DoA) Support the sales executives in building their ppt presentation & PVF. Support Sales in Value + Review preparation for the Margin part (PMDB analysis) Challenge Sales team presentation
Knowledge and Experience 5 years of experience in Finance/ Sales business analyst (in at least 2 of the before mentioned areas) – Plant controller is an asset Potential to develop further into a higher management position Strong Analytical skill Focus Strong IT skills (MS Office / Qlikview / Database management) Fluent English and at least one other major European language is desirable Ability to interact in a cross-cultural environment
Education and Certifications Business School or University Master degree in Finance or Engineering
Job Specific Requirements Result oriented and action-minded Strong Analytical skills Strong ability to drive Process Flexible and able to adapt to a fast paced and changing environment Able to influence others Very good English level is requested
Job Specific Technical Requirements MS office advanced knowledge Excel expertise is requested Good IT knowledge (and ability to learn quickly) (PMDB / Pandora / SFDC)
Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst
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