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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Amplexor

Nantes (44)

Is innovation your cup of tea? Love the idea of working on international projects in a rewarding and dynamic environment? What are you waiting for? Embrace the future with us!

We are a global leader in language, content and digital solutions. For more than 30 years, we have been helping renowned organizations grow their brands internationally through innovative websites, efficient intranets, collaborative platforms and expertly translated content. We are proud to say we are well known across industries and geographies and have the privilege of working with some of the world’s largest companies.

About the role:

Do you want to join a team that is working at the intersection of code and culture, where technology and global languages meet? If so, Amplexor is the place for you.

Our DNA is in the global content lifecycle; our future is in global digital engagement. This means we are the experts in helping brands engage in global conversations with all their users in any language, at any time. All of this requires a cutting-edge production platform, and that's exactly what you will be working on.

You'll be working with both enterprise-scale technology (Oracle, SAP) and cutting-edge application technology (Spring Cloud, Angular) to help craft a scalable production and project management system that empowers our customers' global conversation. You'll work with passionate colleagues with a background in machine learning, big data, NLP, localization technology and business process management. Your stakeholders will span the globe, and your end customers will be some of the world's biggest brands.

Are you ready? Join us


Toghether with the other members of the product management team, craft and shape a vision and roadmap for the company’s core production and information system Conduct analysis interviews/meetings with business stakeholders Prioritize feature requests and other product enhancements Address technical debt Conceptualize and design product features providing solutions to highest-value business problems Provide the business context and product vision (the “why”) and describe concrete product features and use cases (the “how”) for business to sign-off; Detail technical requirements and concrete test cases for a feature to reach the status “ready for development” ; Support and collaborate with the development team during sprint planning and implementation. Promote/coordinate feature release and business adoption


Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent professional experience Minimum 2 years of experience in Business Analysis, Product Management or similar business-focused role. Note—analogous experience as a software developer, especially in roles such as scrum master, can substitute for experience in a directly business-focused role. Experience in the localization industry as project manager and/or localization engineer is very strongly preferred Exposure to the language technology industry (CAT tools, machine translation, NLP, or similar) is very strongly preferred Experience in working with Agile methodologies Working knowledge of Confluence/Jira Experience in UI mockup or visualization tools (like Balsamiq) Excellent communication skills, good interviewing techniques as well as analytical skills Excellent English skills.


Besides an attractive salary and good employment conditions, we offer:

A global spirit with a worldwide customer base The opportunity to be part of beating heart of our company-wide information system Growth opportunities across different technologies Unfiltered access to all stakeholders in the product lifecycle: end-users, product management, architecture, development, test and deployment A young and enthusiastic team A flat team structure—make an impact on day one! An informal working atmosphere

Contract : CDI

Please send your CV in ENGLISH

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