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Contenu de l'offre Client Data Analyst chez Anaqua

Anaqua is one of the largest providers of intellectual property (IP) software and services, helping over 600 customers in 150 countries improve operations, protect assets, drive growth and streamline processes, gaining better insight into their intellectual property portfolios. Most importantly, we have increasing momentum, achieving double-digit growth over the last 6 quarters and aggressive growth goals projected for 2018.

We are a dynamic, team-driven place to work, where providing intellectual property business solutions for our customers is our top priority. Here’s what you can expect from us:

We offer a challenging performance driven environment where results are recognized and rewarded

We are profitable and growing globally

We offer world-class software and services to our customers

We help our customers solve their IP business challenges

We offer a competitive compensation package, employee benefits, time off programs and a business casual environment

We are committed to actively recruiting the best and the brightest talent


ANAQUA is looking for a Clients Data Analyst within our ANAQUA Services team. As a Clients Data Analyst, you participate in the smooth running of the process of managing and renewing the patent titles of our clients. The ideal candidate is a motivated individual, with a strong result-oriented culture, a real sense of service, able to manage several projects, while respecting the deadlines defined by with his/her hierarchy. It is also necessary that the candidate demonstrate rigor, analytical skills, and an excellent sense of communication in order to interact with all actors in the company and be able to work both in autonomy and within multidisciplinary teams. This role falls under the Patent Data Services Manager of ANAQUA Services.

Principal Duties

Assure the analysis, processing and follow-up of client instructions relating to the renewal of patent titles.

Receive and handle requests from external customers.

Incorporate, update and correct customer information in our databases.

Ensure that customer instructions comply with the data incorporated into our database.

Participate in the evolution of the management tools of our patent portfolios.


Bachelor’s Degree needed;

Fluent in English;

Practical experience in data manipulation;

Mastery of EXCEL;

Analytical and problem solving skills and ability;

Strong verbal and written communication skills to interact at all levels of the organization and with our clients;

Ability to prioritize to meet strict deadlines;

Maintain high level of confidentiality and professionalism;

Motivated by a fast-paced, team environment ;

**To apply, please click the "Apply to this Job" link above.

Anaqua is a global company and we rely on diversity of culture and thought to deliver on our goals. We are committed to creating a culturally diverse environment and we are proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status or any other protected classification under country or local law.
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