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ALM Service – Data Manager/BIM/PLM/PIM

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Contenu de l'offre ALM Service – Data Manager/BIM/PLM/PIM chez Anotech Energy

Scope of work

In order to contribute and to ensure the consistency and sustainability of the COMPANY’s Data Model to enable the Quantum solutions, the tasks to be perform within the Quantum area are:

To advise the COMPANY regarding data formatting standards and databases structure, for 1D, 2D and 3D information objects.

To contribute and to ensure data integrity, consistency and reliability by performing the following tasks :

To ensure the relevant reference documents and technical solutions that are in place and used during Quantum deployments;

To ensure, through the COMPANY, the quality and consistency of data stored in any Industrial Project database before they are handed over to Field Operations;

To establish processes, monitoring tools (if needed), training, etc in order to ensure sustainability of the database(s) in Production phase, in particular regarding Change Management;

To ensure a proper implementation of the Technical Information Architecture Mapping exercise prior to deployments of the Quantum platform, and that the business process owners and the final users are fully familiar with the deliverables.

To participate in maintaining the Quantum technical referential up to date at the COMPANY’s request;

To take part in internal training actions as required by the COMPANY;

To provide technical guidance to the Quantum Project when required during all phases of a Quantum platform deployment.

Keywords : Asset lifecycle management – Building Information Modeling – Product Lifecycle Management – Project Information Manager – ISO 15926 – CFIHOS Capital Facilities Information HandOver Specification

Qualifications / Background

Experience : Master’s degree or equivalent, with 10 years’ experience in PLM and/or BIM;

Experience working in the oil & gas industry is appreciated;

Fluency in technical English (written, spoken) is a requirement;

Knowledge in data management international standards is a must (in particular ISO 15926);

Knowledge of Business Processes modeling tools (ARIS, etc).


Start: January 1, 2018
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ALM Service – Data Manager/BIM/PLM/PIM
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