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Siri - Engineering Manager (Search Technology)

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Contenu de l'offre Siri - Engineering Manager (Search Technology) chez Apple

Description de l'offre

Siri - Engineering Manager (Search Technology)

Job Number: 114370070 Paris, Paris, France Posted: 17-oct.-2018 Weekly Hours: 35.00

Job Summary

The Siri Search team is creating groundbreaking technology for algorithmic search, machine learning, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. The features we create are redefining how hundreds of millions of people use their computers and mobile devices to search and find what they are looking for. Siri’s universal search engine powers search features across a variety of Apple products, including Siri, Spotlight, Safari, Messages and Lookup. As part of this group, you will work with one of the most exciting high performance computing environments, with petabytes of data, millions of queries per second, and have an opportunity to imagine and build products that delight our customers every day.

Key Qualifications

Extensive experience building successful search ranking or recommendation systems that utilize big data and machine learning Track record of leading and growing successful applied ML or engineering teams that consists of data scientists and engineers Thorough understanding of ML and information retrieval with hands on experience Proven ability to apply ML modeling to product requirements Good leadership skills Good communication with internal and external teams English Proven leader and team player with an excellent track record Applied experience with a major search engine is highly desired


You will join a fast-paced group with the unique and rewarding opportunity to shape upcoming products from Apple. As the leader you will own the development of algorithms and ranking systems that drive the quality experience of Siri Search features that are integrated throughout out Apple products, including Siri, Spotlight, Safari, Lookup, Messages. You will lead and grow a team of data scientists, machine learning specialists, and infrastructure engineers. This role will have the following responsibilities: - Work with product to define requirements - Analyze, measure and evaluate the quality in the production system - Define the architecture and roadmap - Identify and define projects, including algorithms, offline systems, and the runtime systems - Lead and drive - Measurement and evaluation - improvement iterations - Runtime stack and offline system improvements - Build, lead and grow the team from the ground up, which includes - Data scientists that work on analysis, modeling, ML, NLP - Engineers that build runtime ranking system and offline pipelines - Work with product teams, infrastructure teams, operations and client teams


MS or Ph.D in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Machine Learning, Data Science or related field

Cpf final 4

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Siri - Engineering Manager (Search Technology)
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