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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez AppNexus

Solutions Consultant, Marketplace (Data Analyst)

Location: Paris

The Solutions Consultant is responsible for consulting with and providing high impact guidance to our customers. This role will be focusing on our marketplace and has three primary responsibilities:

1. partner with the account team to develop a clear understanding of customer business objectives and how our marketplace helps them
2. devise and implement solutions for marketplace opportunities and challenges through analytics, technology, our platform tools and training; and
3. create a smooth monetization environment for our marketplace by interacting closely with all media platforms connected to AppNexus.

About the team:
Global Services is a diverse group of problem solvers with boundless technical curiosity. Together, we build trusted client partnerships that produce mutual wins through spirited collaboration, intrinsic empathy, and a readiness to challenge the status quo. We look for people who are consultative, analytical, technically minded, and passionate about helping others. Our team implements and supports customers on the AppNexus platform, obsesses about making them massively successful, and strategizes to help them achieve their goals. Real-time advertising can fundamentally transform our clients’ businesses, and we bring it to life for them.

About the job:
Become an AppNexus platform and programmatic advertising expert from a business, economic and technical point of view. Deeply understand the marketplace to develop solutions best leveraging the possibilities offered by the AppNexus platform Systematically design, implement, and document effective solutions while identifying and analysing opportunities for improvement Identify insights into marketplace monetization through thorough analysis. Provide and implement recommendations to improve client spend or revenues and track effectiveness of changes. Develop an investigative approach to solve marketplace business and technology issues – solving immediate concerns and creating long term solutions. Build a world class company through sharing knowledge with Services team members About your skills and experience:
1-2 years of demonstrable relevant work experience Fluent in French and English Outstanding ability to solve problems in an independent and data-driven manner while working in an extremely fast-paced, demanding environment Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues and clients Excellent time management, written and verbal communication skills with the ability to tell a story using data Proficiency with data analysis and manipulation in Excel Demonstrable passion for learning new technologies including digital media buying, MySQL, Power BI, APIs, JavaScript or Python More about you:
You are passionate about a culture of learning and teaching. You love challenging yourself to constantly improve, and sharing your knowledge to empower others You like to take risks when looking for novel solutions to complex problems. If faced with roadblocks, you continue to reach higher to make greatness happen You care about solving big, systemic problems. You look beyond the surface to understand root causes so that you can build long-term solutions for the whole ecosystem You believe in not only serving customers, but also empowering them by providing knowledge and tools AppNexus is proud to offer equal opportunity in all aspects of employment. We strive to foster a diverse, inclusive and engaging work environment. We welcome applications from all candidates and look forward to receiving yours! Our inclusivity in action:

Partnering with Path Forward to offer returnships to help caregivers reenter the workforce Sharing feedback openly through roundtable discussions on how to make progress on our Diversity & Inclusion goals Galvanizing diversity and inclusion through our affinity groups (including OutNexus, AppNexus Women’s Network, AppNexus Latino Alliance and BlackNexus to name just a few!) Partnering with Fairygodboss to support our commitment to women’s advancement in tech Providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities, both for interviewees and for employees. Should you require an accommodation, please let us know at your earliest convenience so that we can make arrangements
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