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Talent acquisition manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Talent acquisition manager H/F chez Approach People Recruitment


We are recruiting the Head of Talent Acquisition for our client, a world leader in the manufacture of loudspeakers.


As Head of Talent Acquisition, you will lead all aspects of Recruitment strategy, delivery and performance, working in partnership with the HR Director.
Develop and implement a strategic plan to build a best-in-class talent acquisition operation that delivers on the organization’s need for attracting top talent worldwide (Europe & USA)
Lead, manage, a Talent Acquisition team, while delivering to the annual hiring plan
Identify and implement effective and innovative recruiting methodologies to drive results while streamlining processes and efficiencies
You will advocate for best in class candidate experience in order to ensure the acquisition of high caliber talent at all levels through the full lifecycle recruiting process by effectively using new technologies to locate, engage, and attract prospective candidates
Enhance the Employer Brand by leveraging social media channels, attending professional networking events and ensuring an amazing candidate experience ï‚· Develop relationships with universities and engineering schools for brand awareness and to recruit talent
Maintain high standards on KPIs for the Talent Acquisition organization and consistently partner with the business to drive continuous improvements across global business segments
Effectively manage budget for Talent Acquisition; maintain cost controls for agency usage, cost per hire, operational effectiveness and proper resource allocation

7-10 years of experience in talent acquisition including a demonstrated record of success in building and managing a high performing global talent acquisition team
Experience with developing and implementing new strategies to address competitive hiring market, complex business issues, and demonstrated history of building trust to achieve results
Ability to partner with business leaders across all disciplines, functions, departments and geographic areas
English Fluent

Send me your CV at or add me on LinkedIn Maxime BOUBET

Approach People Recruitment was first established in 2000 and has, since then, become a leader in International Recruitment in Western Europe. We work closely with many of the World’s leading Multinational Companies to find their future talents.

We aim to offer highly professional advice to our candidates, taking into consideration their expectations and career goals. We try to constantly obtain new employment opportunities that match well our candidates’ skills and offer interesting career opportunities.

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