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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager chez ArcelorMittal


ArcelorMittal Distribution West Europe is part of the Downstream activities of the group ArcelorMittal. We have a Digital & IT department working for more than 60 plants spread over 8 countries. For our growth in digital projects on e-commerce we are looking for talented people. Are you inspired through a digital passion, customer oriented mindset and teamwork, you might be up to join us during this interesting journey!

Come and make a difference by joining us as a Traffic Manager.
Under the responsibility of the Digital Marketing Manager, the person will have the following missions (and for several countries):
Improve the on-site SEO by giving technical/content optimization on-site and off-site : netlinking, crawl and diagnosis, etc. Manage our SEO agencyCreate, manage and optimize of online acquisition campaignsSet scenario test to improve conversion rate for each canal and targetAnalysis and campaign reporting General recommendations to improve ROI...


You have a master degree in marketing/communication, with a background of 4-5 years of similar experience. Experience in an SEO/SEA agency is a plus. You master Excel, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Data Studio (Certification Facebook is a plus).You demonstrate to be self-starting, and you like to work in an autonomous way. You are rigorous and quick in order to meet deadlines.You are a driving force to optimize performances.You have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. Knowledge of French would be a big advantage. Knowledge of Spanish, Dutch or German would be a plus.You are based in our office in Reims.
You’ll become part of large strategic projects in a dynamic and highly engaged team. We strive to create an informal and collaborative environment in which you can share your opinions, take initiatives and where you have the potential to shape your ideas into reality in order to make an impact.
We are engaged to build an inclusive work culture that offers equal opportunities for all employees irrespective of their diverse backgrounds.
Cpf final 4

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Traffic Manager
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