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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Arhis Competency Center



Job ID:



Permanent full-time

Job description

Our company is looking for an IT Business Analyst for our office in Paris or Lyon (France). You will be responsible for collecting business requirements and designing functional specifications on Robotic Process Automation projects in EMEA region.

The main tasks ensured by IT Business Analyst are:

Prepare and take in charge Business workshops Combine and challenge Business Requirements Design functional specifications Know and advise Business on Robotic Process Automation functional possibilities Offer a functional advice to the technical teams during implementation Advice the Business to define enhancement roadmap

Expected qualifications

Preferred general engineer school or related field. First experience in functional design activities such business processes. Experiences or knowledges in RPA, machine learning, AI considered as added value. Responsible and analytical person, good listener, attention to details and with interpersonal and communication skills. Excellent oral communication skills and writing skills. French speaker Good command of English language. Spanish will be an added value. Ability to work independently but also a good team player. Willingness to learn and to travel occasionally.

What do we offer

Continuous training. Opportunity to work on state-of-the art technologies (RPA, Big Data, machine learning, IA, NoSQL, …) for the most prestigious data-driven projects in major European companies. Opportunity to work in an intercultural environment. Attractive salary composed of a base and a performance complement. Social benefits such as medical insurance. High flexibility (personalized schedule). Excellent work environment.

Company description

Arhis is an Information Technology Consulting Company providing a wide range of data-driven IT services, especially around Master Data Management platforms.

From offices around the world (Geneva, Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Valencia and St Peterburg) we provide a collaborative environment, encouraging employees to participate in strengthening our core business on a daily basis.


At Arhis we deal with large scale projects with big companies who need to build a unique and best version of their Database for customers, suppliers, employees, products… so as they can make smarter decisions.

We are proud of our niche expertise that enables us to tackle high-grade businesses and technical complexity. On the most competitive markets (Retail, Automotive, Utilities, Healthcare & Pharma, Finance, Insurance…), we see our project deliveries awarded everyday by our clients, such as GRT Gaz, Intermarché, PSA, Dalkia, CEB bank…

At such a fast-moving company you will find opportunities rather than boundaries in every s

Our team

Arhis is the biggest Master Data Management team in Europe! Throughout these 15 years, we have been able to successfully deploy more than 50 proven successful projects, and 70% of the total European MDM projects. Above all, we are the best specialists of Informatica Solutions, wide opened to modernity with NoSQL techologies.

We are proud of our know-how, and work hard on a daily basis to make it last!

Our team is also currently opening new disruptive markets such as RPA (Robotics Process Automation) and it is just the beginning!

Dedication, delivery, active listening and solution-oriented state of mind is key. At Arhis, we truly believe that our team is the most valuable asset of the company.

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Business Analyst
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