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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Scientist chez Arm

Arm has a great opportunity for a talented and enthusiastic Data Scientist with the ambition to take a crucial role in our diverse and multidisciplinary TSG Engineering Analytics / Data Science team based in Sophia-Antipolis, France.

Arm's advanced and energy-efficient technologies are at the heart of a computing and connectivity revolution that is transforming the way people live and businesses operate.

Development of these technologies is based on ever more complex workflows producing vast amounts of data. Using data science / machine learning, our team exploits these data to enable data-driven decisions, reduce product costs, time-to-market and improve technology quality and efficiency and effectiveness of workflows.

The Arm Technology Services Group (TSG) is responsible for ensuring that we have a deep understanding of both the Arm engineering infrastructure and workflows that run on top of it. TSG achieves this by applying a mixture of data science and machine learning, data engineering and data visualisation disciplines to a variety of complex and mainly engineering problems.

Are you an analytical thinker, someone with experience and keen interest in data science / machine learning, someone who is able to quickly integrate into our dedicated and highly skilled group of experts? Then we look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you into the team.

Key Responsibilities

Your primary focus will be in applying data science to take on complex, interesting data challenges and extract actionable information from high-dimensional (engineering) data. You will have the opportunity to work on a variety of data and end to end projects meaningful to Arm Engineering.

Apply data science, machine learning, statistical techniques, etc to solve complex engineering data challenges Work in the data science team to invent, prototype and deploy solutions Process, cleanse, and verify the integrity of different types of data Enhance data collection procedures to include information that is relevant to the challenge at hand Data visualisationValidate and track performance of deployed models Work with engineers to understand their problemsInternal consulting and ad-hoc analysis

Job Requirements

Required Skills and Qualifications

Expertise / experience in data science / machine learning and statistics Ability to rapidly prototype and deploy solutions in PythonProficiency in gathering, cleansing and analysing data Data-oriented personality and excellent communication skills Interest and endurance in tackling diverse and complex data problems MSc or equivalent degree in data science, computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics, bioinformatics or engineering or other data science related areas A PhD, industry experience, equivalent expertise and/or exceptional talent in data science or related areas Ability to work independently in a team Ability to communicate to engineering stakeholders in clear language Ability to manage projects

Preferred Skills and Qualifications

Ability to use data science tools and languages, including Python, Pytorch, Caffe, TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, pandas, scipy, R, etc. Ability to work in a fast-paced multidisciplinary environment, choosing and learning to use new tools as required Ability to develop and deploy web-apps (Flask, Django, Javascript, Docker, etc) Working knowledge of data visualisation tools such as Tableau, D3.js, etc.Enthusiasm in producing graphically appealing, if relevant interactive, presentation of results Knowledge of SQL, NoSQL, Spark, Linux, etc.Good understanding of software development workflow, such as Git usage, unit testing, etc.

What are the desired behaviours for this role?

At Arm, we are guided by our core beliefs that reflect our unique culture and guide our decisions, defining how we work together to defy ordinary and shape extraordinary:

We not I

Take daily responsibility to make the Global Arm community thrive No individual owns the right answer. Brilliance is collective Information is crucial, share it Realise that we win when we collaborate and that everyone misses out when we don't

Passion for progress

Our differences are our strength. Widen and mix up the pool of people you connect with Difficult things can take unexpected directions. Stick with it Make feedback positive and expansive, not negative and narrow The essence of progress is that it can't stop. Grow with it and own your own progress

Be your brilliant self

Be quirky not egocentric Recognise the power in saying don't know Make trust our default position Hold strong opinions lightly
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Senior Data Scientist
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