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Business Analyst (Cloud Product)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst (Cloud Product) chez Arrow Electronics


Business Analyst (Cloud Product)

Job Description:

You will join the Cloud R&D team made up of around 50 engineers working in a startup spirit and driven by a Devops culture. On a daily basis you will interact with vendors, customers, and Arrow Cloud Business Units in different countries to enhance and develop our cloud service platform - ArrowSphere.

ArrowSphere is a single point of entry to cloud solutions. A single platform to search leading cloud products, build IaaS, PaaS & SaaS solutions. To learn more check out this short video:

Your role will be to manage our major suppliers, evaluate their roadmap from a technical and functional point of view to identify its impact on ArrowSphere. Among your tasks, you will be responsible for ensuring the quality of vendor data on our platform and providing visions and innovations to implement on the ArrowSphere in order to stay ahead of our competitors.

This role will take you to manage the following tasks:

Market analysis Participating in product design and definition Participating in the development of the roadmap by proposing a vision Defining the needs Helping identify and analyze incidents / malfunctions following the implementation of new features. Setting up and using reporting tools for feedback Collecting information to evolve the technological environment or software features in our Business Units and / or our customers

Who are we looking for?

It would be common for a suitable candidate to have a degree, this is likely to be in Engineering or Commerce however other related fields are also acceptable. We are looking for experienced professional with solid background in technical product management and excellent written and spoken communication skills in English. We are also looking for people who are naturally empathetic, eager to share their ideas and determined to solve problems, so analytical skills and attention to detail are also desired.

Skills/Experience Required:

Degree in Commerce and / or Engineering. At least 5 years of experience in similar role. Experience in technical product management. Able to analyze functional needs and requirements from technical point of view. Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English. Interest in Microsoft cloud technologies. Knowledge of tools: JIRA. Knowledge of web technologies or / and MySQL is a plus. Knowledge of scrum and/or continuous deployment approach. Previous experience with projects related to B2B platforms will be an asset.

What’s in it for you?

Possibility to cooperate with the world's largest Cloud service providers Regular interaction with more than 20 countries Autonomy and ability to drive key features of the roadmap Great work conditions in a nice startup spirit but inside a large worldwide group Extra days off for working time compensation depending on the Bank Holidays during the year Health care insurance – Mutuelle Health, long term sickness and disability insurance – Prévoyance

To apply for this opportunity, please send your resume in English.


FR-Courbevoie, France (Rue Victor Hugo)

Time Type:

Full time

Job Category:

Information Technology
Cpf final 4

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Business Analyst (Cloud Product)
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