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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez Artefact

You like to be up to the collection, analyse, and visualisation of data in a business context. Salary range: from 42K-80K euro per year in France, or equivalent in other countries. Our working language is in English, but it's always easier when you speak the local language(s) ;)

The team

One of the most versatile teams of Artefact, our growing Data & Analytics team are present in many aspects of our data consulting projects: data collection, processing, and visualisation; but also giving insights and inputs on the business and digital media aspects.

Half of the team also works as the master of data solutions for our clients: dashboarding, business intelligence or web analysis.


As a Data analyst, you will be conducting projects to accompany the transformation of your clients’ businesses through the effective collection, processing, and visualisation of data. It is up to you to extract valuable insights from our clients’ marketing-related data sources and to design dashboards for marketing decision-making while taking into account the business needs.

Depends on the mission(s), you might also find yourself accompanying our clients in the conception and implementation of data architectures and data pipelines, from collection to monitoring.

Desirable skills


You have experience or have knowledge in data driven environment
Master of Data collection and data visualisation tools, programming in SQL or Python are your jam;
Some of these speak to you: Cloud technologies, API connection, ETL, Advertising tool…

Or you are interested in learning those skills and use it in your work, contact us!

Why should you join us

Artefact is the place to be: come and build the future of data and marketing Innovation: We have a passion for creating impacting projects, and believe innovation can come from anyone. Action: We make things rather than telling people how to make them. Collaboration: We believe in bringing talented people together, in winning together, and in learning from each other.

Come join us!

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Data Analyst
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