Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Junior Traffic Manager (m/f/d)

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Contenu de l'offre Junior Traffic Manager (m/f/d) chez Artefact

Paris (75)

Who we are

Artefact is a new generation of a data service provider, specialising in data consulting and data-driven digital marketing, dedicated to transforming data into business impact across the entire value chain of organisations. We are proud to say we’re enjoying skyrocketing growth.

Our broad range of data-driven solutions in data consulting and digital marketing are designed to meet our clients’ specific needs, always conceived with a business-centric approach and delivered with tangible results. Our data-driven services are built upon the deep AI expertise we’ve acquired with our 1000+ client base around the globe.

We have 1000 employees across 20 offices who are focused on accelerating digital transformation. Thanks to a unique mix of company assets: State of the art data technologies, lean AI agile methodologies for fast delivery, and cohesive teams of the finest business consultants, data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and digital experts, all dedicated to bringing extra value to every client.


Guide the consulting teams on the technologies/tools to be used according to customer needs. To intervene upstream with the consulting teams and business experts (SEA, SEO, Adexchange, Media, Affiliation, Analytics…) about the tracking strategy to be implemented in order to meet customer needs and implement a tagging plan Check the conformity of the creative elements before putting advertising campaigns online, and ensure the proper implementation of the proposed tagging plan Ensure the follow-up and reporting of advertising campaigns Work with the development and consulting teams on customer Dashboards Work closely with Analytics teams and Data scientists on campaign analysis and Data project implementation Monitor technological developments in the business and tracking tool


You have 1 year of experience in a similar position.

You are organized, conscientious and organized.

You have a good interpersonal skills.

A data culture as well as a good knowledge of Javascript language is essential to carry out your missions successfully.

Why join us?

Package happiness

Artefact is the place to be: come and build the future of marketing

Progression: every day offers new challenges and opportunities to learn

Culture: join the best team you can imagine

Entrepreneurship: you will join a team of motivated entrepreneurs. We will not give up until we make a huge cut in this industry.

Environnement : you will work in suitable environment thanks to our happiness package (fitness room inside our office, free breakfast each morning,…)

Team : in the Digital marketing team who covers all performance marketing levers, you will join 5 consultants operating as well tracking management Ad centric as Site centric.

Expertise : you will be able to develop your knowledge & skills as well tracking management through the use of proprietary innovative tools as transversal thanks to our training days and RETEX.

Cpf final 4

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Junior Traffic Manager (m/f/d)
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