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Contenu de l'offre Group Data Privacy Manager chez Asendia

Group Data Privacy Manager

Asendia empowers businesses to grow across borders with a range of international e-commerce delivery services. Launched in 2012 by La Poste and Swiss Post, Asendia is a growing company relying on the combined expertise of over 1'500 employees across 4 continents. With opera­tions across the world, we bring together a wealth of international and local expertise, and a network that delivers to over 200 countries and territories. Asendia’s heritage as a mail busi­ness is unrivalled, but today we are also at the forefront in providing e-commerce par­cel solutions for e-tailers selling internationally. We provide a number of value added services too, including returns, fulfilment and lettershop, and we have acquired a number of companies to enhance our ser­vices, including eShopWorld a global e-commerce software business..

Group / Data Privacy Manager

We are looking for a Group Data Privacy Manager to support the Group Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) in maintaining and enhancing a fit for purpose Data Privacy Operating Model and will report on substantive data protection matters to the Group CPO.

The Group Data Privacy Manager will play an important role within Asendia’s Group Data Privacy Office, assisting the Group CPO with overseeing the Global Data Privacy Program. They will be responsible for managing the rollout of strategic initiatives, maintaining the Program to the required standards, providing guidance to all Asendias’ subsidiaries, liaising with Risk and Compliance Officers, Legal and business partners across the Group.

Key Tasks, Responsibilities, and Accountabilities:

You assist the Group CPO with :

- implementing the strategy relating to data privacy;

- providing information & advice on GDPR;

- assigning Asendia’s GDPR responsibilities within the organisation, raising awareness, training, and conducting related audits.

You establish and maintain data privacy policies/procedures/standards
You manage the rollout of relevant enhancements to the Data Privacy Program, working in partnership with the Country/Regional Risk and Compliance Officers and building strong relationship with Legal departments across Asendia
Your monitor :

- Asendia’s ongoing compliance with GDPR and all other applicable data protection laws

- The international landscape for developments in data privacy legislation

You foster a leading data privacy compliance culture

Your Profile

Master Degree / Professional qualification / certification in data protection law is a must.
Knowledge of GDPR and other relevant data protection requirements e.g., ePrivacy Directive.
2+ years of professional experience in managing EU and global data privacy requirements
Experience in implementing data privacy policies, standards, processes, and support models to achieve business objectives.
Proven ability to manage a data privacy program across a Group matrix organisation.
Having strong verbal & written communication & presentation skills, you are able to influence and facilitate change, effectively challenging management and business partners in a constructive and collaborative manner, while maintaining independence.
Ability to travel occasionally and as required.
You are fluent (written and spoken) in French & English.

Our Facts

Our vision by 2025 is: Asendia will be a market leader for cross-border e-commerce solutions.

Customers come first and we support their inter­national ambitions through smart technology and agile logistics excellence.
We provide brands with digital solutions im­proving consumers' online shopping experience and connect retailers with marketplaces.
We give our customers access to global markets through our extensive and innovative distribution solutions, harnessing our worldwide postal partnerships.
Asendia is a workplace where everyone can de­velop their expertise and contribute to local and global success.

Employee’s wellbeing and corporate social responsibility is at the heart of our core values trust, friendliness, ease of use and our commitment to sustainability.
If this sounds like the kind of place you would like to work and the sort of role you are looking for, then get in touch, we are waiting to hear from you.

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