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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst chez Attraqt


«Experience with an eCommerce technology solution

«Experience within a SaaS environment

«2+ years in similar role

«Excellent written and verbal communication

«Passion for data and analysis


«Positive self-starter

«Ability to multi task

«High attention to detail

«Strong influencing skills

«Natural relationship builder

«Customer centric

«Natural problem solver


As a Data Analyst, you will

work with our clients to understand the problematics they have, help them to define the best KPIs and create custom dashboards to optimize the way they use our platform based on what you learned with our clients, you will work with the product team to optimize insights provided in our products you will help the sales team to identify high-valuable use cases we can share with our prospects

You will have access to our real time data pipeline and will use tools like BigQuery, DataStudio, Tableau Software, Google Analytics, Adobe Omniture.

You will also work on machine learning Analytics and create jobs with Spark, Google DataFlow.


Attraqt powers exceptional shopping experiences for over 240 of the world’s leading retail brands. Attraqt’s core product, Fredhopper Discovery Platform, drives relevant and inspiring ecommerce experiences through personalization, search, recommendations, internationalization and Merchandising SaaS solutions. Simple-to-use interfaces and efficient workflows enable Merchandisers to take full control and enhance the value of smart automation with their own strategic expertise and creativity.

Attraqt is headquartered in London, with offices in Sofia, Amsterdam, Chicago, Paris, Hamburg and Sydney.


Interested? Then apply directly via the 'Apply' button and send us your CV.

Please, note that to submit your application, you have to give your consent to us for processing your application. You can find our Candidate Privacy Notice in the following link.
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