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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst chez Ausy Portugal

AUSY is a world-leading technology consulting & engineering company with over 7.000 consultants in 48 regional delivery centers worldwide. A global network of highly skilled experts handling projects and services in transport, banking & insurance, aerospace & defence security, telecoms & media, automotive, energy & utilities, life sciences & health and the public sector (governments).

We are growing our International Team so we’re looking for a Business Analyst to integrate our project, based in Nice, France. As a Business Analyst, you will be in charge of the design and delivery of some key components, like a real-time data acquisition platform.

Your responsibilities include:

Participate in the validation / acceptance phase of the product cycle ensuring the fine-tuning necessary to finalize the product. Maintain timely reports on status of projects, potential technical problems and any other relevant details

You must have:

Master’s degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or Engineering; Proficient in software and apps development with a minimum of 1 year of experience, or already as a Business Analyst role; This project is about a real time data acquisition platform for travel agencies, that uses some technologies that you’ll need to know, like: Kafka, MongoDB, Angular JS User Interface and JSON. Experience about designing and documenting new features taking into account both industry evolution and technical evolution; Ability to deliver high quality results in a fast paced, changing environment with shifting priorities; Knowledge in testing products in order to ensure compliance of the delivered functionality and system integrity, performing functional sign off. Ability to work independent and self learning Understanding balance between the eye for detail vs the upcoming deadlines. Ability to work well in a very large and international team. Very good command of English (French is a plus for this project).

Job Type: Full-time

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