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Contenu de l'offre VIE Data analyst Berlin - F/H chez autobiz

You will join a company where you will take ownership of your role and contribute actively with new ideas of new projects in a stimulating working environment. You will be part of a small and high performing team and you will work together in goodwill to achieve best results.

- With more than 15 years in the classifieds industry, Panel Team guide the leaders of classifieds portals in their Strategy, Commercial and Marketing decisions. With more than 350 websites crawled and 50M of listings, we support our client with barometric Benchmark Survey, Pictures of market trends and business recommendations


We are looking for a Data/Business Analyst who is deeply passionate about data driven projects, transforming raw data into clear actionable business insights and who is constantly driving himself/herself and the team towards meeting the next challenge.


· Bring an added value on the data analysis & data management : automatization, improvement of the data quality of each products

· Analyzing, large, complex data sets representing the billions of ads on the classifieds market, to address strategic and operational business questions from our clients

· Provide actionable recommendations and conclusions from the KPIs sent

· Build dashboards and reports to facilitate understanding of key business metrics and delivery autobiz final products or specific studies

· Manage multiple projects at a time in a fast-paced, results-oriented environment

Must Have

· You have a strong academic background in an analytical field such as Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics or Economics

· High level of analytical and problem-solving skills with strong attention to details

· Ability to turn complex concepts into actionable recommendations

· Strong interpersonal skills and Business acumen

· True passion for understanding marketplace behavior and tolerance for ambiguity

· Strong Excel skills.

· Analytical work experience, preferably in an online industry - strong advantage

· SQL experience in querying large, complex data sets - advantage

· Experience working with Tableau – advantage

· Advanced knowledge in statistical tools and models- advantage

Job Types: Full-time, Contract

Job Type: Full-time


Participation au Transport Titre-restaurant


analyse de données: 1 year (Preferred)

Work Remotely:

Cpf final 4

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VIE Data analyst Berlin - F/H
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