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Contenu de l'offre Business Analyst Intern chez Avumi

What is Avumi ?

Avumi is developing a high impact tech product for the eCommerce fashion industry. Our product is industry-facing, but designed to be owned and controlled by online customers. Using a combination of 3D imaging technologies and artificial intelligence, it will allow users to visualise an item of clothing on a realistic personal avatar and thereby answer two key questions:

* Does it fit me? (the “fit hurdle”)

* Does it look good on me? (the “style hurdle”)

For more information, check out our website (

Our culture

If you're looking to join a startup looking to conquer the digital world, you've come to the right place !

At Avumi, everything is possible and there are no bad ideas. We're in that point in time where we're still building things and every new person can have a direct input on our product. If you decide to join us, you'll not only help us build the Avumi Platform, but also be part of building our culture as a tech company.

We currently speak English & French (fluently).

Here's how we work :

One-team : whatever your job at Avumi, we'll always be looking for your input and creativity. Adventure : you'll have time to take risks and test things, even if they don't work out in the end. Results : taking risks is good, getting somewhere is better. We work to get things done. Pioneer : we never say "it can't be done", we just find a solution. Agile : we're adaptive, everything is possible. Value-oriented : if it doesn't serve our clients or productivity, add it to the back-log.

About the role

Working together directly with the CEO, you will :

Monitor our market and update our Internal Benchmark Analyse market trends to contribute to the product strategy Benchmark, test, challenge and update our business plan Benchmark, test, challenge and update our financial models Build and send regular reports internally, provide recommendations and insights, perform Ad-hoc analysis Work on various missions and projects in an innovative and rising start-up in a thriving industry (Retail Tech) Have a key role and a unique opportunity to shape the future of Avumi


You’ve got (or are completing) a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Economics or Finance (or similar) from a Top-Tier Business School or University You have strong analytical skills You’re proficient in the Office Pack You are a fluent English You've got an entrepreneurial spirit You're an independent thinker

Nice to have

Experience in a tech startup You speak French

How to join us

Once we’ve screened your application, you’ll be invited to :

An interview over the phone; and; An interview in person/video call

Job Types: Full-time, Internship

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