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Contenu de l'offre Business Data Analyst chez AXA Funds Management

Data Management Department acts as the CDO Office for AXA IM. Its 60 Business Data Analyst are located in Europe (Paris, London) and India (Pune) and currently manages 8 Data Referentials.

It has started its transformation to better reflect AXA IM digital ambition. Administration and controls are fully externalized (Pune office). Operational efficiency, data quality improvement, and providing value added services around data across AXA IM are our main drivers.

We are looking for a Business Data Analyst that will bring new insight, more scientific methodologies, and more effective approach to Data Management Support & Projects activities.

Analyze business needs though our Data Support Platform, use and promote alternative methodologies to address them (data science, machine learning, scripting,…) Analyze current processes around data quality and production/support and proactively create or evolve tools, enabling Data team work more efficiently Collaborate across multiple teams on transversal projects involving Data Referentials Contribute in best practices, templates, and recipes for successful business processes Handles support requests from referential data users across AXA IM (Front office and their Support Technology Team, Risk, Compliance, various project teams) Develop data visualisation tool, create new dashboards to improve data quality monitoring Acts as an advisor on data model for business and regulatory projects Improve support team’ scalability by introducing scientific approach to massive data analysis Set-up and interactive documentation for Referentials’ critical tools, platforms and processes
Experience in functional support activities in a front, middle or back-office environment Familiar with programming, automation and scripting (Python, R, SQL, …) Familiarity using meta data management tools General knowledge in finance (particularly Asset Management, financial instruments: Index, securities and market data in general) Good communication skills Excellent decision-making and problem-solving skills Client-centric
ABOUT AXA Would you like to wake up every day driven and inspired by our noble mission and to work together as one global team to empower people to live a better life? Here at AXA we strive to lead the transformation of our industry. We are looking for talented individuals who come from varied backgrounds, think differently and want to be part of this exciting transformation by challenging the status quo so we can push AXA - a leading global brand and one of the most innovative companies in our industry - onto even greater things.

In a fast-evolving world and with a presence in 64 countries, our 166,000 employees and exclusive distributors anticipate change to offer services and solutions tailored to the current and future needs of our 103 million customers.

We are an active, long-term, global, multi-asset investor focused on enabling more people to harness the power of investing to meet their financial goals. By combining investment insight and innovation with robust risk management we have become one of the largest asset managers in Europe, managing €746bn in assets as of the end of 2017. We employ about 2,400 people around the world and operate out of 21 countries.
We are proud to foster a high-performance culture, which means that we seek to recruit and retain people who are not only technically-skilled but also globally-minded, innovative and able to leverage their unique perspectives and life experiences to support our success as a company. AXA IM is committed to building an inclusive culture, valuing diversity and supporting the career progression of all employees.
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