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Market Data Analyst (H/F) - CDI - Paris

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Contenu de l'offre Market Data Analyst (H/F) - CDI - Paris chez AXA

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Société du groupeGIE AXA Famille métierFinance et stratégie Localisation

PARIS, Paris

Votre rôle et vos missions

The AXA Group, world leader in Financial Protection, supports and advises its individual and corporate customers at every life stage, providing them with the products and services that meet their insurance, personal protection, savings and wealth management needs.

Our areas of expertise are reflected in a range of products and services adapted to the needs of each client in three major business lines: property-casualty insurance, life & savings, and asset management.
In 2021, present in 64 countries, the 165,000 employees and distributors of AXA were committed to serving 107 million clients.

AXA Corporate Center’s main missions are to:

Steer the entities to ensure the coherence of the strategies, the consistency of the commercial approaches as well as the optimization of the risks and results. Defining and coordinating Group policies, different transversal projects and standards, identifying and sharing best practices. Supporting the entities to help them to grow, to develop their offer, their management and steering standards as well as their risk management.

The head office of AXA Group (GIE AXA) gathers the Group's corporate activities. It coordinates the various entities according to the Group's strategy and is responsible for managing international projects. The headquarters is composed with over 1000 employees and is distinguished by its strong international culture (45 nationalities).

We offer you to join AXE GIE as part of SHIP teams. SHIP (Shared Investment accounting Platform) covers investment accounting activities for the biggest AXA Entities worldwide and aims at harmonizing systems, processes & organization in this area.

The platform is operated by two shared organizations: a Center of Excellence (CoE) acting as a hub for technical and processes expertise, located in Paris, and a Financial Shared Service Center (FSSC) located in India, in charge of the main part of day to day activities.

Your department:

Attached to the Center of Excellence (CoE) in Paris, you will be in charge of supporting the data management team (DM).

The DM team is in charge of providing and monitoring safe and reliable market and financial data information on AXA assets on SHIP platform (40 000 position over 14 countries):

Deployment and proactive implementation of a set of processes, rules, policies, procedures, guidelines and standards to ensure the permanent quality improvement of our data feed. Monitoring and controls of our data provider Management of exceptions and specific user needs

Those activities will be performed in a highly international and changing environment.

Core activities:

Ensure the reliability and quality of master and market data for securities invested in Insurance Companies of AXA Group managed on the Ship platform Ensure the accurate valuation of a part of those assets Support enhancement project for data quality and data mon

Main responsibilities are:

To supervise, assist on complex or new topics the Data Management team offshored in India To liaise & follow up the complex requests with other SHIP CoE team, service provider or local entities To maintain and update if necessary the information in Ship (complex bonds & loans, … ), To handle the monthly valuation activities by performing a second review on price checks to ensure the documentation, completeness, freshness and accuracy of prices. To perform root cause analysis and issue mitigation in collaboration with impacted team in case of errors To define metrics (KPI’s and KRI’s) together to measure and monitor data quality

Votre profil

Technical and professional skills:

Good knowledge of financial markets and instruments Project management, valuation controlling, or fund accounting experience appreciated English mandatory Proficient use of Microsoft Office (Excel expertise and VBA knowledge is a plus)

Soft skills and competencies:

Rigorous, At ease with international environments Highly collaborative team-oriented, who has proven ability to build relationships with technical and business resources Self-motivated and proactive, ability to work independently with minimal direct guidance, delivering solid action-oriented results quickly implemented. An analytical mindset with problem-solving skills proven the ability to identify, quantify and effectively raise business risks.


Between 2 and 5 years’ experience in a similar position : financial accounting, fund accounting, or financial department

Votre environnement de travail

Aimeriez-vous vous lever chaque jour motivé(e) par une mission inspirante et travailler en équipe pour permettre de protéger les personnes et leurs proches? Chez AXA nous avons l’ambition de mener la transformation de notre métier. Nous cherchons des personnes talentueuses ayant une expérience diversifiée, qui pensent différemment, et qui veulent faire partie de cette transformation passionnante en challengeant le statu quo et faire d’AXA – marque globale leader et une des sociétés les plus innovantes dans notre secteur – une entreprise encore plus performante et responsable. Dans un monde en perpétuelle évolution et avec une présence dans 64 pays, nos 165 000 salariés et distributeurs privilégiés anticipent le changement pour offrir des services et solutions adaptés aux besoins actuels et futurs de nos 107 millions de clients.

The headquarters of the AXA Group, based in Paris, brings together the Group's corporate activities. It coordinates the various entities with the Group's strategy, and is responsible for managing international projects. The headquarters has approximately 1000 employees and is distinguished by its strong international culture (45 nationalities).

Pourquoi nous rejoindre ?

We provide you regular career opportunities in international teams. If you want to join us, don’t hesitate to apply !

Information provided by applicants will be processed in strict confidentiality and may be used exclusively for recruitment processes.

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Market Data Analyst (H/F) - CDI - Paris
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