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PMO & Business Analyst Commercial - (F/H)

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Contenu de l'offre PMO & Business Analyst Commercial - (F/H) chez AXA

Context AXA & XL:

AXA, as one of the world leaders in financial protection, supports and advises its customers in three major business lines: Property & Casualty Insurance, Life & Savings and Asset Management within an internationally-oriented organization. The P&C business line is in the core of the new organizational structure of the AXA Group and operates in 20+ territories, with a wide mix of operating models, market shares and stages of development.
In order to maintain alignment within the organization, the Risk Management and Group Insurance Office (GRM-GIO) is responsible for ensuring a sustainable and profitable growth of AXA activities worldwide, promoting excellence on both risk management and technical areas [e.g : pricing, underwriting, PAP (Product approval Process), PMP (Product Management Portfolio), claims management, reserving, cat modeling and reinsurance cover] and organizing the second line of defense organization and missions (except for referral process & Group Underwriting Committee-“GUC” which is 1 st line of defense and inside the job purpose) by developing, facilitating and monitoring an effective risk and control framework. In the recent context, GRM-GIO needs to strengthen the positions on P&C Commercial Lines and organize a robust and documented referral.
Main Missions: The missions are: IT project manager to develop new IT tools in line with AXA change of scope Administration of GIO P&C referral and collaborative tools Business analyst and review (Strategic planning, Yearend landing, Actual closings) Transversal support for GIO departments (secretary of the Group Underwriting Committee) Activities: The activities of the Business Analyst Commercial Line and referral are: Project Manager and IT administrator AXA - XL integration: Contribute as Project Manager for the specifications definition, testing and deployment of existing referral and collaborative tools Involvement in Group workshops to identify new needs and implementation of innovative IT solutions Budget controlling and cost optimization Transversal support to the end users Business analysis and review Support the GIO and GRM departments in all finance related topics. Business update, Financial KPI management Improvement and maintenance of GIO reporting tools (Financial Database, etc) Support GIO/GRM on transversal topics e.g. Business update technical review, documentation and presentation for different stakeholders (European Market, Investor Relations, Seminars Organization …) Transversal tasks and Business as Usual topics Support the secretary of the Group Underwriting Committee Preparing the agenda and the decision material Coordinating the international underwriting decisions between local entities and Group governance Reporting the committee decision and communication Insure the follow-up of Group Underwriting Committee Participate in the administration of the Group tools Sharepoint dedicated to the Group Standards, compliant with the internal control Governance referral tool in adequacy with Group Underwriting rules and standards. Innovative IT tool (ie digitalization, collaborative tools, etc) Interlocutors: P&C Group Chief Risk Officer and Group Head of Insurance , Group Head of Norms and Standards, Group Head of P&C business lines, AXA Global Reinsurance All P&C entities (over 40 entities) or regions/markets (3) of the Group


Experience : Master's degree : engineering school, business school, professional master in corporate finance, audit & control or project management Knowledge in Insurance and/or Reinsurance in Property & Casualty 2 or 3 years as business analyst, auditing or project management. Languages : Fluent in both English and French. Technical skills : Excellent analytics skills Collaborative tools (sharepoint, cloud etc) Reporting tools (SAP, Oracle, etc) Familiar with agile approach in project set-up Soft skills : Natural leadership; Ability to communicate with top management and in a multicultural environment Rigorous in the application of Group standards and control rules Good Problem-solving competency Ability to deliver on demanding environment and tight deadlines. A propos d'AXA Aimeriez-vous vous lever chaque jour motivé(e) par une mission inspirante et travailler en équipe pour permettre de protéger les personnes et leurs proches? Chez AXA nous avons l’ambition de mener la transformation de notre métier. Nous cherchons des personnes talentueuses ayant une expérience diversifiée, qui pensent différemment, et qui veulent faire partie de cette transformation passionnante en challengeant le statu quo et faire d’AXA – marque globale leader et une des sociétés les plus innovantes dans notre secteur – une entreprise encore plus performante et responsable. Dans un monde en perpétuelle évolution et avec une présence dans 64 pays, nos 165 000 salariés et distributeurs privilégiés anticipent le changement pour offrir des services et solutions adaptés aux besoins actuels et futurs de nos 107 millions de clients.
Le siège du Groupe AXA, basé à Paris 8ème, regroupe les activités Corporate du Groupe. Il coordonne avec les différentes entités la stratégie du Groupe, et assure le pilotage des projets internationaux. La particularité du siège réside notamment en la présence d’une forte culture internationale (39 nationalités). Pourquoi nous rejoindre ? Nous vous offrons de nombreuses perspectives de carrière dans un environnement international. N’hésitez pas à postuler si vous êtes intéressés !
Les informations fournies par les candidat(e)s seront traitées de manière strictement confidentielle et utilisées uniquement à des fins de recrutement.
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