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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager Finland H/F chez Back Market

Paris (75) As a key member of our Marketing Team in Paris, you will be in charge of Traffic Management for Finland. You will work closely with the brand, sales and technical teams, a group of passionate professionals committed to make refurbished the new mainstream. Screw new!
Reporting to our Media Director as part of the Media Business Unit you will help Back Market launch and grow the Finnish market, building a foundation for your personal success and the success of the refurbished market.

YOUR MISSION (if you accept it):

Managing and optimizing paid acquisition campaigns for Finland according to the media plan : SEA, Facebook, Instagram, Display... Managing day-to-day performances and ensuring alignment with your targets with a clear focus on ROI You will be in charge of regular analysis and reporting You will take part in projects in order to develop each marketing channel (creatives, tracking, landing pages, product flows, A/B testing...), market trends and competition monitoring.
You will collaborate closely with : the Brand team on creative briefings, best practice communication & branding strategy the SEO team to ensure that organic traffic is maximized the Business development team to give sourcing recommendations and ensure offer quality the Customer care team to optimize clients’ experience


After graduating from a Master or a Bachelor degree in the field of marketing, or another business-related field, you have at least 2 - 3 years experience in Traffic Management, Online Acquisition and or Digital Marketing. You are a Finland native who masters the language to perfection You are passionate about user-centric marketing You are a Google Adwords geek (bid strategies, audiences & shopping hold no secrets for you) You know Google Analytics like the back of your hand You are proactive, eager to learn and curious about tools and strategies with an instinct for new opportunities You are a team player and strive working with other people You are fluent in English (French is a plus, but not a must)


Phone interview with Elisa, Talent Acquisition Manager Interview with Morgane, Media Director Test : 90 minutes Interview with two members of the Media Team Interview with Guillaume, CMO and Thibaud, CEO
Cpf final 4

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Traffic Manager Finland H/F
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