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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - Data Analyst Expert Power BI (All genders)

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Contenu de l'offre ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - Data Analyst Expert Power BI (All genders) chez Bayer

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE – Data Analyst Expert Power BI (All genders)

You are not only an applicant… We also apply to be YOUR employer!

Important: You are applying for a position in Bayer’s Environmental Science (ES) business. Bayer intends to divest this business to Cinven in 2022.

Cinven is an international investment firm focused on building world-class global companies & will enable ES to advance towards our vision of healthy environments for everyone, everywhere. With joining Environmental Science, you will be joining a global industry leader in its markets, with the opportunity to be part of forming a new company in an agile, entrepreneurial and passionate team. We encourage you to discover more about our activities by watching the ES Dare to Explore video: com/watch?v=ugzJ5LIhG5o


Not only a diploma but a personality with a lot of skills and enthusiasm! Skills in IT, Mathemathics, Finance or Big Data and analytics Excellent communication skills, please! Born with IT in your hands? Experience with Microsoft 365, Power BI, data warehousing, simulation and modeling? Perfect! You enjoy working in a dynamic and moving environment English is a must


Bayer is a global enterprise with core competencies in the Life Science Fields of health care and agriculture. Its products and services are designed to benefit people and improve their quality of life.

ES is a leader on its Market providing healthy environment wherever people live, work and play. At ES, employees are an essential part of our culture and are empowered to drive change.


Your role in 2 points:

You play an active role in providing adequate decision-making tools to management You are the key to connect with Regions and Functions across the world to develop or adapt automated dashboards via Power BI

Your 5 main missions:

Define KPIs and reporting needs with stakeholders (Finance, R&D, PS, HR…) Develop, maintain, upgrade Power BI dashboards to support Regions & Functions to steer efficiently & accurately their activity Define and propose relevant KPIs for various functions from Global, Regional or Legal Entity perspective Design & deploy powerful data storytelling and visualization to data analysis abilities and decisions Participate actively in Master Data committee ensuring proper governance of Finance Master Data

Your working environment:

Finance Product Supply Commercial teams Tax & Treasury HR


Type of contract: Fixed-term contract (CDD as it is called en Français !) until the end of 2022 as a starting point and then let’s see what the future can bring to our collaboration :) 2 fixed-term contracts for that position! Location: Lyon (France), including homeworking or remote! At ES we enjoy and encourage flexibility! Starting date: We are eager to start working with you so… as soon as possible!


Ready for this challenge? Connect to and apply online!

« Pour Bayer, l’égalité des chances est un axe majeur de la responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise »

Période de soumission des candidatures le code de référence: 602501
Division: Crop Science Lieu: France : Rhône : Lyon
Fonction: Finances et Impôts Niveau du poste:
Type d’emploi: Temporaire Horaire de travail:

Contact Us

Addresse Téléphone E-Mail

16, rue Jean-Marie Leclair
69009 Lyon, France

(+33) 04 72 85 46 15

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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE - Data Analyst Expert Power BI (All genders)
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