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Alternance en Marketing - Assistant Traffic Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Alternance en Marketing - Assistant Traffic Manager chez BD

Job Description Summary

Job Description

BD is a strong value driven company where our values act as a guidance in how we approach our clients and colleagues, and position ourselves in the market. If you are looking for a company where you can truly live these values, we have a great opportunity for you in our Digital Marketing team.

The Role

BD operates in a medical environment undergoing immense and rapid change, continuously seeking to innovate in a landscape of emergent Digital technologies. Under the guidance of the Team Leader dedicated to overall European scope, you will assist our Traffic Manager for the design of a forward-looking digital marketing strategy across the European market.

You’ll be in charge of managing paid media ads such as SEM, PPC, social media, display advertising. You will also contribute to improve SEO of our landing pages and websites. You will also be part of website updates, development of functionalities, features, and data gathering.

This position assists in maintaining our social media presence across all digital channels, measuring, analyzing, optimizing and acting on performance of strategies. In this role, it will be key to collaborate with BD Business leaders, Marketing teams, agencies, third parties and IT teams to develop, implement & assess the success of our key digital solutions and build our future digital road map to continually transform the business forward.

You Will

You will be responsible for the global performance of our digital plan (Webplatform/SMO/SEA/Full ecosystem/ Digital Funnel / Community platforms) and of the design of our digital marketing activation strategy

Traffic Management

Implementation and monitoring of SEO actions, performance analysis, content optimization Track the performance of strategic KPIS, analyzing traffic evolution, identify the right acquisition channels, optimize existing campaigns Management of SEA campaigns: Google ads PPC/ Display, Linkedin ads, Facebook ads, Twitter ads, RTB… Launch, monitor and measure campaign performance (analytics), in view to improve conversions and favor return on investments

Social media management

Measure the campaigns digital audience, evaluate e-reputation according to its different targets Follow technological and behavioral developments on social networks.

We Are Looking For Someone

Who could grow our function by thinking out of the box! You have a good understanding of, digital and life-cycle marketing as well as some notions of CSS and HTML. You will have or be willing to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to try new ideas. You enjoy agile methodologies, and you partner with the COE colleagues in a way that elevates staff performance and delivers agreed results through strong teamwork. You are open minded and willing to work in team.

Additionally, you are well-organized and open-minded person. You are able to work autonomously in a busy, multicultural environment. Finally, you have excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, and ideally good knowledge of the French language would be beneficial.

Profil required


Internship for 1 year

Primary Work Location

FRA Le Pont-de-Claix Cedex

Cpf final 4

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Alternance en Marketing - Assistant Traffic Manager
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