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Contenu de l'offre Data Analyst (Hybrid) chez BD

Job Description Summary

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Data Analyst with BD, a global leader in Medical Technology. We are currently recruiting a Data Analyst to join the Pharmaceutical Systems Data Analytics team in Le Pont de Claix (Grenoble).

Job Description

The Data Analyst is working for BPE (Business Process Excellence) organization. Under the responsibility of the Data Analytics manager, you will provide tools to support Processes optimization, decision processes, analysis and reporting at a global level.

You are the one who can make the difference. Join us and be a crucial part of advancing the world of health!

Your main missions will be to:

work closely with operational teams to understand their workflows, needs, and develop solutions with agility

maintain and develop Power BI solutions to pilot our industrial performance

design and develop databases to store Pharm System data

ensure data accuracy, consistency and availability (inventory, production, capacity, Quality)

provide tools to support decision making process and reporting using Business intelligence tools (Power BI, VBA, Power Automate)

automate data extracts and transformation from our ERP SAP to feed our Analytics databases

collaborate with the corporate IT teams and our IT offshore partners

Who are you ?

Ideally coming with a minimum of 1-2 years experience (including internships), you are flexible and agile, have an IT background and are comfortable in using databases, VBA, analytical tools, Microsoft Power Platform. A previous experience within a Supply Chain organization or Industrial environment would be a plus.

Essential skills :

Strong analytical skills

Good ability to synthetize and understand users’ needs

An "always seeking to improve" / continuous improvement mindset

Very good MS Office (Excel/Access/Sharepoint) knowledge, including VBA

Very good knowledge of the Power Platform (Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate)

Good programming competencies (SQL, VBA, Python, DAX...)

Good interpersonal, communication and team working skills

Fluency in English

Primary Work Location

FRA Le Pont-de-Claix Cedex

Cpf final 4

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Data Analyst (Hybrid)
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