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Talent Acquisition Manager - Contingent Workforce (9 month FTC)

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager - Contingent Workforce (9 month FTC) chez Becton Dickinson


This is a new and exciting opportunity for someone to join us as the Talent Acquisition Manager – Contingent Workforce. This is a 9 month fixed term contract and can be based in Reading, France or Poland.

In this role you will take responsibility for managing the regional relationship with our Managed Service Provider across 5 European countries as part of our new global Contingent Worker program, which includes a new Vendor Management System. You will work to build strong working relationships between the Talent Acquisition Centre of Excellence, HRBPs and MSP at a strategic and tactical level and continue to drive the recent implementation of the Contingent Worker Program through the stabilisation period to be a best in class offering.

This role requires a strong focus on continuing BD’s journey to enhance and improve consistency of service quality across EMEA Talent Acquisition by partnering with our Managed Service Provider, Vendor Management System, HRBPs and the wider business across Europe and North America.

This role will support the transformation of Talent Acquisition and HR within the region, consistent with the overall corporate HR transformation strategy.

Key responsibilities:

Ensure that service delivery of the Contingent Worker program is executed to the expected level and develops strategies and plans in partnership with the MSP as needed; Ensure that the program, processes and system meet all the legal and regulatory needs across Europe; Partner with the MSP and VMS provider to continually enhance and develop the technology to best support the requirements; Partners with Shared Services to ensure working and streamlined processes between them and the MSP; Partner with HR and the business to ensure that policies and processes are adhered to including SLAs, targets and Compliance; Lead continued change management efforts in the region ensuring alignment to global messaging and adapting for the local markets; Measure successful performance against staffing metrics; Develop positive working relationships with other HR and departmental leaders to ensure alignment of goals and objectives, coordination of services and effective collaboration and teamwork through the BD Matrix regionally and globally; Help to drive the Talent Acquisition strategy regionally, providing for the unique aspects of the region and consistent with regional/local statutory and regulatory requirement.

To be successful in this role you will be an experienced Talent Acquisition Leader with Contingent Workforce experience, either internally or within an MSP. You will have demonstrable experience of ensuring positive service delivery as well as change management, project management and implementation experience. A deep understanding of Talent Acquisition best practices and processes is a most together with previous experience of working within a heavily matrixed environment across Europe.

Job Types: Full-time, Contract


MSP: 1 year (Preferred) European: 1 year (Preferred) Contingent Workforce: 1 year (Preferred)
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Talent Acquisition Manager - Contingent Workforce (9 month FTC)
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