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Acquisition Manager (for Betclic New Casino Brand)

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Contenu de l'offre Acquisition Manager (for Betclic New Casino Brand) chez BETCLIC GROUP

Description du poste

You always wanted to experience the fun and dynamism of a startup while enjoying all the benefits and support of an established group? Then you might want to stop searching and have a look below…
We're preparing the launch of a new Casino brand early 2019 and we are looking for an Acquisition Manager that will make sure every Casino player hears about the news and start playing with us!

It will most probably be different from your previous week ... or the week before … but in a nutshell:
You will partner with our marketing central teams to create, execute and optimize our online and offline acquisition strategy. You will drive initiatives and campaigns across multiple channels, including but not limited to affiliation, PPC, display, re-targeting, social media, TV, Direct mail.
You will work with analytics & data teams to ensure every campaign is closely monitored and decisions to continue or stop a campaign are driven by data. When disappointed with results, you will have the flexibility and drive to rebound, test new tactics and shift budgets to new channels or countries when necessary.
As a key member of a small and dynamic team, you will be involved in all strategical decisions regarding the brand and its development, whether they are directly related to your area or the ones of your colleagues, such as CRM or product development. You will then ensure these inputs are shared with all the marketing teams and properly leveraged in the future acquisition campaigns.

Description du profil

The words PPC, CPA, LTV, SEO have been part of your work vocabulary for the past 5+ years and are a sure way to boost the Happy Chemicals in your brain.
Your nightmare job is to work for an extremely well-established brand where a 0.01% increase in the conversion rate will be considered a major breakthrough. You have the mindset of a builder and challenges excite you. Where other people get very uncomfortable with change, you jump at the opportunity to help shape and build the future. You are action-oriented with a "roll up your sleeves approach".
If your left and right brain were hands, you would be ambidextrous. You put on your creative hat in the initial phase of a campaign and show good instincts to identify concepts that will connect your brand with your audience. You have an eye for detail and cannot stand poor execution. You are also very comfortable with data and easily switch to a more analytical approach when needed.
You may not have a vast knowledge of casino or online gaming - if you do it's definitely a plus! - but you look forward immersing yourself in the product and the brand. That's great as we will count on you to become our Champion inside and out of the company. You have an outgoing personality and like to interact with multiple people and teams.
You're planning to conquer the hearts of all Casino players in the world - starting more modestly with European markets (Scandinavia, UK, Germany, Portugal). As a result, you can spread your message in English - at least - and are not afraid to leave our wonderful new offices in Bordeaux to travel across Europe on a regular basis.
You like working in small and agile teams, with clearly defined roles, quick action/reaction and permanent communication. In our next team dinner or after-work, you will share ideas that will revolutionize (or not) the Casino business and we can't wait to hear them!
So wait no more and
Apply here!

Brand new offices in Bordeaux, named Best city to visit in the world by Lonely Planet in 2016, and voted Best city to live in France!
Sports activities organized at lunchtime. Urban football just across the street and plenty more to come;
Weekly After-Works on Thursdays;
Numerous training available (development, management, foreign languages...)
Fruit baskets delivered twice a week!
Holiday vouchers and participation in your cultural activities;
Meal vouchers for lunch (Chèque Déjeuner card).
Cpf final 4

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Acquisition Manager (for Betclic New Casino Brand)
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