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Contenu de l'offre SEO MANAGER chez Bigblue


Bigblue is growing fast, and we are preparing for our international expansion. As the SEO manager, you will be in charge of defining, deploying, and optimizing our SEO strategy globally across all channels (owned and paid).

You will be part of the Marketing team, within the Growth BU. You will report to the Marketing Manager and work with a highly motivated group whose main focus is to grow Bigblue’s revenue.

As the 2nd member of the Marketing team, you will have the opportunity to define Bigblue’s strategy with the Marketing Manager.


Define, deploy and optimize our SEO growth in France and new markets to increase the volume and quality of leads:

Perform keywords analysis, trends research, and competitor benchmarks to identify and implement opportunities to increase our organic traffic in a conversion-oriented mindset. Develop processes, guidelines, technical and semantic audits to ensure maximum ROI and global scaling. Drive the technical SEO improvements across all channels. Drive the content strategy based on SEO optimization. Participate in developing synergies within the acquisition team between SEA, growth, PR, and content. Define and deploy the backlinking strategy to improve Bigblue’s digital footprint. Measure and monitor our strategy impact and effectiveness, including brand health metrics and campaign measurement, report back on results, and recommend improvements.


Passionate about SEO and 4+ years of experience in SEO at an agency or recognized brand. Demonstrated experience developing and executing insight-driven integrated SEO strategies that drove quantitative results at local and global levels. Master of the technical SEO tools (Semrush, crawlers, GA, AHREFS, Search Console, etc..) Master of all aspects of SEO: technical, content, and backlinking. Proven strategic, analytical and creative skills. Independent, doer, and proactive with strong attention to detail. Excellent analytical skills and the ability to turn data into actionable insights Out of the box thinker Proficiency in French, English. Bonus if you speak Spanish.


Type de contrat : CDI Date de début : 02 août 2021 Lieu : Paris, France (75010) Télétravail ponctuel autorisé
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