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Contenu de l'offre Product Data Analyst chez Binance

Binance is the global blockchain company behind the world’s largest digital asset exchange by trading volume and users, serving a greater mission to accelerate cryptocurrency adoption and increase the freedom of money.
Are you looking to be a part of the most influential company in the blockchain industry and contribute to the crypto-currency revolution that is changing the world?


Design and manage Data warehouse (DWaaS), such as: design data model, define data metrics, conduct data collection and cleaning using SQL and ETL tools, data governance, etc Own data projects from collection to operation: integrate and aggregate data metrics to build BU level analysis dashboards Continuously improve the quality and services of the data warehouse based on the requirements of accuracy, timeliness and stability Use quantitative analysis and the presentation of data to see beyond the numbers and understand our business, providing insights to help stakeholders to understand what drives growth, how to improve product and support decision-making Become a quality gatekeeper for all data related topics in product team


Master degree in computer science, business intelligence, statistics, mathematics or an equivalent education and/or relevant practical experience Experiences in data analytics / data engineering is preferred Data Analysis: Skill in SQL is a must Highly motivated, structured and methodical with high degree of initiative Strong problem solving, quantitative and analytical abilities Experience working with and creating databases and dashboards using all relevant data to inform decisions Ability to work in a fast-paced and agile environment Good communication skills in English, both written and oral Working at Binance Do something meaningful; Be a part of the future of finance technology and the no.1 company in the industry Fast moving, challenging and unique business problems International work environment and flat organisation Great career development opportunities in a growing company Possibility for relocation and international transfers mid-career Competitive salary Flexible working hours, Casual work attire
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