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Contenu de l'offre business analyst H/F chez Bose

Bose is about better sound, but better sound is just the beginning. We’re about inventing new technologies that truly benefit people, and creating a culture where innovation and teamwork are highly valued.

Now, we have got an exciting opportunity as the Sales & Business Analyst for our Fnac-Darty/Boulanger Business within Wholesale Europe.

Our group strives to be the top-rated supplier to our retail customers in delivery of Innovation, Business Planning and Marketplace Excellence. As the Sales & Business Analyst, you are responsible for using analytical and quantitative methods to understand, predict, and enhance sales productivity with our strategic resellers.

Summary of key responsibilities

Perform analytics as it relates to; potential per category or sku, store front productivity, cost to serve, in-house share, Bose performance vs market, marketing campaign. Present insights to functional experts on the reseller team, enabling them to achieve improved sell-in and sell-through performance. Work collaboratively with french resellers on priority initiatives to analyze overall business performance.

Bose Reseller Team Work

Analyze reseller ordering patterns, and provide insights and recommendations that will drive increased sell-in and sell-through. Analyze in-house share per category, and provide insights that increases both Bose share and reseller profitability in store. Analyze store front productivity and cost to serve, and provide insights to support sell thru on a category or sku level Monitor sell-in and sell-through target achievement and provide updated data to Bose Reseller Team, and the resellers to enable both parties achieving targets Identify improvement opportunities, e.g. demand smoothing, EOL products vs market performance considering current in house share Post promotion and EOL inventory analysis. Post marketing campaign sales results analysis. Track and report out the sell-in and sell through for contract KPI’s related to growth / category / channel targets

External Reseller Work

Reseller Interface Work collaboratively with resellers on priority initiatives to analyze overall business performance. Build relationships that enhance Bose influence with resellers Create reporting and insights to support KPI's, targets and measures as defined in the Joint Business Plan and contract (BPA) Analyze Reseller service results and populate Reseller scorecard Prepare results to enable improvement opportunities with Reseller

Internal Bose Work

Liaison with Bose internally to interpret POS and GfK data, extract insights, resolve availability issues, provide support for demand, business, forecast and budget planning Works closely with Supply Chain / Retail Ops / Finance / Marketing for standardized methodology, analytics and reporting. Champion and model the Bose E&V and Business Ethics and Compliance guidelines.

Required competencies :

Strong ability to master large quantities of data

Analytic skills and ability to develop insights that drives sales

Critical thinking; ability to understand concepts and systems connections based on data input and input from key stakeholders

Ability to capture and document business and reporting requirements

Presentation skills; visualize and present data in a compelling way

Strong communication skills with the ability to convey complex information

Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to work independently and within a team environment

Influencing skills

Sales acumen; understanding the B2B sales process

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