Offres d'emplois Web Marketing & e-business

Traffic Manager - Internship/Apprenticeship

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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager - Internship/Apprenticeship chez Cafeyn

Your responsibilities

As a member of the Marketing team, you report to the Head of Acquisition. Your main role is to action the different acquisition levers to drive the audience to Cafeyn platform and recruit new subscribers, which are notably:

Facebook / Social

Campaign management: analyse results and search for improvements, try new targeting strategies, AB test user journeys and offers. Test & learn new features of the ad platforms Set up new campaign, from the creative reflexion to the operational roll out Budget monitoring, playing with budget allocation to reach objectives


Manage the Affiliation partner and the top affiliate performers Handle the communication towards the affiliation network and the top performers, rolling out our marketing campaigns within that affiliation channel. Cocreate the communication plan and product roadmap with the affiliate partner

Tactical Marketing partnership

Set up comarketing operations with big Brands Roll out the operation from the first contact to the complete launch of the partnership Negotiate marketing support and offer models

Who are we looking for?

You are at the right place if

you are running a Business School/Digital strategy Master degree you have a first experience as an internship where your rolled out Acquisition campaign, on agency or pure players You know the basic of traffic acquisition levers You’re both rigorous and agile, feeling comfortable in fast pace changing environment You show initiative and are able to convince various stakeholders Analytical mindset and strong autonomyyour English is fluent

It's a perfect match if you are

Process/systematic thinking you like to work with multiple stakeholders you like to test and learn new things You know about subscription business models You feel close somehow to the challenges of the information market
Cpf final 4

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Traffic Manager - Internship/Apprenticeship
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