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Internship-Carbon Data Analyst

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Contenu de l'offre Internship-Carbon Data Analyst chez Carbon4 Finance


Carbon4 Finance is a small business focused on providing Climate Data Solutions to the financial sector.

Carbon4 Finance clients are asset managers, pension funds, banks and insurers that want to report their carbon footprint or to develop investment or lending policies factoring climate performance. This niche business enjoys a strong momentum in the asset management world globally.

Carbon4 Finance is a sister company of the advisory firm Carbone 4. Carbone 4 is a leading French advisory firm focused on the energy transition and climate change. Since ten years, Carbone 4 is advising blue chips in all economic sectors.


The intern’s main tasks will be :

lead the review of the carbon footprint and the adaptation risk of corporates on specific sectors. help Carbon4 Finance to improve its methodology on a specific and strategic topic wich will be studied throughout the length of the internship.

The intern will be under the supervision of an analyst.

He / she will be trained in using the Carbon Impact Analytics (CIA) and Climate Risk Impact Screening (CRIS) tools, which leverages Carbone 4’s expertise in assessing climate issues for corporates from all sectors over the past 10+ years.


You will be in your final year of a Masters program and looking for an internship in a young and dynamic start-up working for the financial sector.

Analytical skills, strong proficiency in Excel and ability to work autonomously are needed to thrive in the position.

Basic knowledge of French is required.

Engaged in the fight to curb and mitigate climate change, Carbone 4 offers an intellectual challenge to its trainees by inventing new tools to decarbonize the economy and the opportunity to give meaning to their work.


Cpf final 4

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Internship-Carbon Data Analyst
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