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Talent Acquisition & Development Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition & Development Manager H/F chez Celine

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The Talent Acquisition and Development Manager is part of our Global HR Talent Development team. Our goal : proactively source the best talents for the Maison and grow our talents through powerful inspiring and engaging actions. We have the mission to provide our employees with the best possible experience, driven by our passion and for excellence striving.

The context is a fast-paced growing business. This implies to react quickly and anticipate transformation needs together with the opportunity to create something new and see the immediate results.


1/ Talent Acquisition

In a context of a strong recruitment activity, your mission is to implement and lead a holistic recruitment strategy at an international level working closely with the headquarters based in Paris, with all the 6 regions (Europe & Middle East, Greater China, Korea, North America, South East Asia Oceania) and with the LVMH Group.

- Harmonize recruitment process & adapt to local culture.
- Develop & optimize sourcing tools.
- Implement new recruitment methods.
- Create and maintain dedicated talent pools for key functions (retail, IT, product...).
- Manage the entire recruitment cycle if necessary for some functions.

2/ Talent Development

Our goal is to offer the best tailored career paths for our talents, so that they can blossom and grow within CELINE. Your mission is to work closely with the CELINE's HR community, to keep proximity with our talents and to build their career development plans.

- Actively participate in the annual Organizational Managerial Review through the review of positions, talents and succession plans.
- Conduct career meetings with key talents in all regions.
- Animate internal CELINE Talent rooms to accelerate mobility cross functions and/ or cross regions.
- Participate in LVMH Talent rooms to accelerate mobility within the Group and feed our talent pools with LVMH key talents.

3/ Diversity and Inclusion

CELINE is an equal opportunity employer. We want to offer an inclusive environment of mutual respect where we welcome diversity and all our employees feel included, developed, and heard. Your mission is to design and lead the D&I strategy which includes 4 pillars : Disabilities, LGBTI+ & Allies, Gender Equity, Social & Cultural Diversity.

- BE responsible for the D&I strategy & roadmap.
- Co-animate the 4 pillars with D&I ambassadors.
- Ensure that the D&I strategy is understood by the entire CELINE's HR community and embodied in all HR processes.
- Work closely with the Internal Communication Manager to promote D&I to all employees.
- Work closely with LVMH Group for specific D&I actions.

4/ Data management

To pilot all these strategies, we need relevant KPIs and accurate data. Your mission is to ensure that the Talent Acquisition, Talent Development and D&I policies are working by setting the strategic metrics & KPIs to follow

Detail of the mission :
- Design dashboards & data visualizations.
- Capture data from as many processes and interactions as possible.
- Influence recruitment, talent development and D&I strategy, identify best practices.

You will manage a Talent Acquisition Specialist and work closely with other members of the global and regional HR teams.

- Minimum 8 years' experience in HR, with a strong focus on Talent Development & Talent Acquisition.
- Languages : fluency in French & English is mandatory.
- Expected mindset : passionate for people, in quest of excellence, agile, with an entrepreneurial spirit and strong team player approach. Creativity and innovation are key to develop new recruitment and talent development strategies. Sharp communication skills.
- Knowledge and mastery of :.
- Talent Acquisition : management of entire recruitment cycle, strong ability to proactive talent pipelining, networking and sourcing.
- Project management and community animation at global level.
- Setting up and monitoring dashboards and ROI.
- Strong communication skills, very organized and rigorous.
- Sharp client relationship mindset.


We are committed to the prevention of all discrimination, providing equal opportunities to all applicants irrespective of gender, gender expression, disability, origin, background, religious beliefs or sexual orientation or any other basis protected by law.

CELINE recruits and recognizes all types of talent and singularities.
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Talent Acquisition & Development Manager H/F
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