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Client Data Platform Roadmap Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Client Data Platform Roadmap Manager chez Chanel

Client Data Platform Roadmap Manager

Your role @ Chanel

The Global Innovation & Transformation (GIT) department part of Global IT team aims to enable CHANEL in delivering an exceptional customer experience through innovative, cross-functional, and customized solutions. The Client & Data department within GIT, is in charge of a major customer data transformation program that aims to:

Offer a deeper client knowledge
Provide a cross boarder client recognition
Enable more relevant international services & experiences

Within Client and Data department, the Scoping & Roadmap Manager is in charge of understanding the detailed needs of internal business and IT customers, analyzing the impact on the platform and defining the related roadmap.

What impact you can create at Chanel

The Scoping & Roadmap Manager main missions are:

Centralize Client data platform evolutions requests and guarantee the good understanding of the functional and technical requirements.
Lead IT impact analysis and scoping (roadmap, budget, ramp up plan).
Identify dependencies with global and regional features and integrate the evolution request into Pioneer global planning (One, InCHANEL).
Coordinate architectural decisions and choices of integrators when required.
Support Regions when requested (Touchpoints adaptation, Legacy Consent).
Ensure that knowledge and documentation are passed on to the relevant teams for implementation.
Manage evolutions requests backlog.

The activities described above may not be exhaustive. In case of deep dive for one specific topic, additional support could be required and activated. 

This role partners with several internal stakeholders, the CHANEL Regions and teams from IT (Global Customer data custodian, Global Location data custodian, Regional data custodians, Integration, Operation and Production, C360, Regional IT Client managers, global touchpoints owners, Security team and other various IT functions) to manage evolutions and challenge architectural decisions in a complex luxury retail environment. 

You are energized by

Understanding of cloud-based technologies and environments, and popularizing it for non-expert people
Leading transversal projects

What you will bring

Bac +5 (University, Engineering school, Business school)
Solid experience (+7 years) on Program Management experience on complex IT projects with an international span, preferably in B2C, retail, digital and/or e-commerce sectors
Agility and an ability to communicate and build a mutual language between business teams and IT technical experts.
Good facilitation and communication skills and overall ease with presenting to large audiences with regional and global stakeholders
Strong organizational & management skills, ability to easily understand the issues of your internal customers and to lead your projects with relevance and operational efficiency.
Fluent in English and French

Leveraging your unique experiences, Chanel will enable you to

Coordinate Global initiatives
Gain exposure to different business cultures, transversal CHANEL products categories and Retail markets
Work on latest technologies environments
Collaborate with many stakeholders workwide from Business & IT;
Challenge norms in order to create change while being diplomatic; collaborate and listen in order to tailor approaches.

At Chanel, we are focused on creating an inclusive culture that nurtures personal growth, contributing to collective progress. We believe the uniqueness of each individual increases the diversity, complementarity and effectiveness of our teams. We strongly encourage your application, as we value the perspective, experience and potential you could bring to Chanel.


Location: Neuilly-Sur-Seine

Type: Full time

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Client Data Platform Roadmap Manager
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