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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager chez Choco

We are looking a hungry and motivated recruiter to join our growing Talent Acquisition team to help scale our operations. If you have 2 to 5 years of experience in a high growth environment, and you are looking for a mission driven organization that will give you ownership over your day to day, look no further.

Where: Paris, France // French and English speaking abilities required

Our vision at Choco is to build a global, yet local, food system that is resourceful, fair to the people, and sustainable for the planet . In order to achieve this, our mission is to lead the world's transition towards sustainable food systems.

It is a big and meaningful mission and in order for us to achieve it, it has to be broken down into smaller objectives. It is a big mission that can be broken down into smaller objectives. Our first step towards realizing this mission is our food-supply ordering platform which is connecting restaurants and suppliers in order to streamline the way food is traded between them.

The current crisis revealed some of the inefficiencies the food industry is having. We want to support the industry that is so dear to us and help them utilize their potential. Thanks to our investors (COATUE, Bessemer Venture Partners, Atlantic Labs and others), we have the means to support our ambition. Our Series A funding presents us with a unique opportunity and privilege to develop valuable tools for the gastronomy industry of a post-pandemic world.

In the first few days you will understand how Choco works: what is our structure and what defines our culture. Quickly, you will take ownership for several operations roles that will be your focus area. You will identify, attract, screen and manage outstanding operations talent.

Occasionally you will contribute to or even initiate projects within Talent Acquisition that will improve productivity, increase diversity, raise our knowledge as a team or make us better in any other useful way. You will receive mentoring and guidance when needed but you should be ready to share your knowledge and ideas too.

You will work as part of a team and own the hiring process for several operations roles and TA projects end to end.
Act as a partner, guide and deliver a great experience to both candidates and hiring managers.
Proactively source, pipeline, attract, interview and close candidates within the Operations (sales, partnerships, business development, marketing, support etc.) Finance, Legal, and HR domain
Develop a strong understanding of the talent market, industry trends, technology, and the competition.
You will continuously deliver a great candidate experience


At least 2 years previous experience as an operations recruiter in an in-house or agency set-up (ideally both): You can take ownership for an area, work independently already with some guidance from a senior colleague.
Strong understanding and interest in technology and software development process: you can hold a conversation with a developer and discuss in detail what is expected from a new hire.
Experience in sourcing diverse candidates using a range of creative tools and channels: sure, everyone uses LinkedIn but you should be able to source candidates from at least 4-5 other channels.
You have excellent communication skills and are able to adopt your style to your audience.

Genuine interest in being part of our mission, making a positive difference in the food space and changing people's careers for the better.

Choco is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage people from all backgrounds to apply. We are committed to ensuring that our technology is made available and accessible to everyone. All employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, religion, disability, medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, family status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
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Talent Acquisition Manager
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