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E-Commerce Network Manager (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre E-Commerce Network Manager (M/F) chez CMA CGM

E-Commerce Network Manager (M/F)

Led by Rodolphe Saadé, the CMA CGM Group, a global leader in shipping and logistics, serves more than 420 ports around the world on five continents. With its subsidiary CEVA Logistics, a world leader in logistics, and its air freight division CMA CGM AIR CARGO, the CMA CGM Group is continually innovating to offer its customers a complete and increasingly efficient range of new shipping, land, air and logistics solutions.

Committed to the energy transition in shipping, and a pioneer in the use of alternative fuels, the CMA CGM Group has set a target to become Net Zero Carbon by 2050.

Through the CMA CGM Foundation, the Group also acts in humanitarian crises that require an emergency response by mobilizing the Group’s shipping and logistics expertise to bring humanitarian supplies around the world.

Present in 160 countries through its network of more than 400 offices and 750 warehouses, the Group employs more than 130,000 people worldwide, including 2,900 in Marseilles where its head office is located.


Under the management of eCommerce Sales & Network manager, your daily work will be to manage the eCommerce Regional offices teams, challenging performance on main targets, driving the deployment & adoption of eCommerce products.


Functional management of eCommerce Regional Offices (8 regions, 50 headcounts)
Follow up, challenge and report eCommerce Regional Offices teams' activities
Coordinate actions follow up with Roll out managers on main eCommerce products
Animation of existing committees with local teams
Ensure impact of eRO across network and maintain close relation with network management.


At least 3 years of management experience
Strong communication and reporting skills
Business development mindset
Excellent relational skills
Rigorous, methodical, organized
Autonomy and proactivity will allow you to successfully carry out the missions of this position
Great ability to adapt to a very diverse audience including VP / GM
Passionate about digital products
Knowledge of following tools: CRM, Salesforce, Qliksense
Great interest in implementing digital solutions to help businesses gain efficiency and deliver an ideal customer experience
Fluent English & French

Come along on CMA CGM’s adventure !

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E-Commerce Network Manager (M/F)
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