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IT Business Analyst EDI platforms

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Contenu de l'offre IT Business Analyst EDI platforms chez CMACGM

CMA CGM Group, founded by Jacques R. Saadé, is a leading worldwide shipping & logistics group.

Now headed by Rodolphe Saadé, CMA CGM reinvents transport and logistics in order to offer an integrated maritime, port and land service that exceeds its customers' expectations.

Present in over 160 countries through 755 offices, 750 warehouses, equipped with a young and diverse fleet of 511 vessels, CMA CGM serves 420 of the world's 521 commercial ports and operates on more then 200 shipping lines. The group currently employs 110,000 people worldwide, including nearly 2,400 in Marseille, in its headquarters in Marseilles.

The IT Business analyst EDI Platforms takes the responsibility of EDI platform functions including EDI tools that supports translation and transformation EDI messages between B2B partners and CMA-CGM ERP applications.

It covers the technical scope of the EDI core function deployment/maintenance. The major EDI systems are based on IBM SBI and ITX tools supported by IBM Message Queuing.

As the IT Business analyst EDI Platforms, you will have to :
Review technical designs in EDI space and advise optimal/resilient design for implementation Support and monitor Core EDI System enhancements, make coordination with stakeholders (internal teams and vendors) Provide expertise in EDI space ranging from EDI tools upgrade, Infra design/upgrade, optimal configuration setup for EDI tools and its underlying infrastructure Participate in testing phase and assist vendors when in-need Take the lead on critical incidents and coordinate the investigations Monitor the performance of the system and lead action plans when it needs to be improved Profile and required skills

The IT Business analyst EDI Platforms should bring :
5+ years working experience in EDI mapping using EDIFACT standards, in shipping industry would be a big plus Strong knowledge in developing and deploying EDI maps using tools like ITX and setting up EDI communication message exchanges using AS2, SFTP, SMTP, HTTP(S), SOAP protocols Understanding of EDIFACT structure and experience in deploying apps using messaging queues, Java language, and networking tools and usage of Oracle queries will be an added value Knowledge on firewalls, load balancers, storages like SAN, NAS and GPFS, Knowledge of shipping domain / supply chain / logistic Ability to take initiatives and work in autonomy Fluent in English Come along on CMA CGM’s adventure !
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IT Business Analyst EDI platforms
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