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Contenu de l'offre Head of Growth chez Concord

Head of Growth

About Concord
With $47M in funding, Concord is the #1 Contract Management Platform for Small & Medium Businesses. Used by thousands of companies across the world including Discord, Warby Parker and Glossier, Concord is more than just e-signing. From drafting and internal approvals, online negotiation, contract execution to deadline management, Concord brings simplicity to the entire contract lifecycle.
Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) has been the fastest growing software industry for the past five years. With 95% of the world’s companies still managing their agreements manually, analysts predict that CLM will soon become the 3rd largest software industry behind ERP and CRM.
Concord is a product-centric and customer-first company with offices in the USA and France. Through its product and company culture, Concord incorporates the values Passion, Humility, and Integrity in everything. With its CEO being part of the LGBTQ+ community, Concord has a strong commitment to gender equality & diversity, and offers one extra week of PTO to its employees to volunteer anywhere they want. 
About the Role
You will be working full time in our Austin office location. You will be providing account management to your current customers, performing onboardings, answering support tickets, providing quarterly reviews and training, and employing standard reporting to leadership each week. 

Key Responsibilities

Define and lead the growth strategies of the company, with a focus on evergreen online strategies
Manage the growth team composed of inbound, outbound, content and website specialists
Become an expert in the contract management industry, and analyze consumer behavior to determine personas
Automate all processes to the maximum to create an autonomous engine
Report weekly metrics and KPIs to the rest of the leadership


Local to Paris, France - This role is in office
3+ years of experience in a B2B growth/ marketing management position
Fluent in English - Concord only targets english-speaking customers
Excellent data analysis skills

Paris, France /
Marketing – Demand Generation /
Full-Time Employee
Cpf final 4

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