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Global Data & Analytics Project Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Global Data & Analytics Project Manager chez Coty

Global Data & Analytics Project Manager

Company: Coty

Department: Media & Performance

Position: Global Data & Analytics Project Manager

Location: Paris, Île-de-France, France


Coty is a world leader in beauty and home to an illustrious roster of cosmetic, skincare and fragrance brands. Our company’s mission is to challenge the definition of beauty, to encourage authenticity and celebrate diversity. Because to us at Coty, beauty isn’t about conforming to somebody else’s ideal. It’s about inclusion and liberating everyone to shine in their unique way.

In a context of a fast shifting digital landscape, the Coty Group has designed an ambitious data driven roadmap positioning media as a strong business enabler.

Part of the Group Media team, under the responsibility of the Senior Director Data, Analytics & Measurement, the candidate will be responsible of governing the usage of our ad tech and analytics platforms, ensuring adoption internally and improvement with the platform owners/tech vendors. 

He/She will have under his responsibility platforms standards deployment, playbook creation and deployment, improvement roadmaps management plus access and governance management. Thanks to the deployment of standardized process & methods, he/she will be the coordinating and supporting the communication of our standards into the Group management as well as Media local and global teams and will be the champion of those platforms.

Within the Data, Analytics & Measurement team, he/she will be coordinating and supporting projects across various disciplines from Ad Tech to Analytics & Measurement.

This new role at the holding company level is critical to accelerate our data driven media transformation. It requires advanced project management skills, proven collaborative mindset, as well as a good understanding of AdTech, MarTech, Data and measurement partners ecosystem.

Key Responsibilities:

As the platforms guardian point of reference in the Coty organization, interfacing with the different capabilities of the Coty center of expertise (data management, media operations, digital media expertise, content commerce and engagement, direct and indirect ecommerce, CRM and IT…) and the brands of the Group, your key responsibilities will be:

Lead the governance and access management of all ad tech and analytics platforms
Drive the successful adoption and improvement of our Media Planning Platform across +500 users internal and external
Define, with your key stakeholders, and support the successful deployment of the platform’s enhancements roadmap
Drive the definition and management of stakeholders roles & responsibilities and processes to achieve best adoption
Collaborate with the global data management team to ensure all platforms are connected in a seamless and efficient way to our internal database.
Oversee the implementation of platforms enhancement initiatives and ensure communication and trainings for all stakeholders (internal and agencies)
Keeps abreast of evolving media landscape, including research and emerging trends to provide insight and education around AdTech and Martech in the Coty organization


A project manager with an analytics mindset with 4+ years of experience in AdTech, AdOps, Media Operations, or related experience with global teams preferred
Good understanding of the Ad and Mar tech ecosystem,
Experienced proficiency with digital marketing technology, Analytics and Media platforms  especially social buying platforms, DSP’s, cloud tech partners, verification technologies; experience or orientation to learning new software packages and methodologies.
Experience in building and managing projects at scale within a complex global environment
Entrepreneurial and proactive, outside-of-the-box thinking.
Highly disciplined and rigorous. 
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with ability to convey and package technical findings in layman’s terms
Very good level of English written and orally. French is a plus.

Cpf final 4

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Global Data & Analytics Project Manager
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