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Media & E - commerce manager M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Media & E - commerce manager M/F chez coty

75002 Paris 2e Global Media/ Ecom manager - Kylie Jenner - M/F

Our purpose is to celebrate and liberate the diversity of beauty. We challenge convention through invention, expanding our horizons to enrich your reality with possibility. We build brands to inspire and enable our consumers to experience the confidence and joy of expressing their beauty, their way.

As Global Media/E-comm Manager, you are in charge of:
Design the Media performance strategy across markets.
Build with support of the agency consideration and conversion campaigns on digital channels across markets
Act as a business partner to internal teams such as brand marketing and sales
Design and maintain reports, budgets, campaign performance, ROI, and other channel metrics
Direct and collaborate with internal DTC team to achieve goals and ROI targets
Build out tests to prove out hypotheses and recommend performance optimizations
Take a data driven approach to managing campaigns and derive insights on strategy and performance
Create and distribute weekly and monthly reporting of channel metrics, goals, and other KPI’s
Monitor web analytics dashboards and key reporting tools, pointing out key areas of importance
Contribute to strategic documents that help align multiple teams at Coty Luxury
Work closely with all partners to ensure full alignment on strategy and tactics

A BA/BS degree or equivalent practical experience
An experience at Eretail in the beauty industry or/ and an Ecom experience on Indie brands.
At least 5+ years of related performance media experience
A Passion for Marketing. You stay up to date on the industry media, platforms and changes as they roll out
Excellent cross-functional skills especially around your ability to influence others
Knowledge of Web Analytics, A/B Testing, and metrics driven (performance) marketing
Strong analytical ability
Excellent negotiations skills to influence partners
Outstanding ability to think creatively, identify and resolve problems.
Attention to detail and the ability to effectively multi-task in a deadline driven atmosphere
High levels of integrity, autonomy, and self-motivation.
The ability to synthesize complex ideas into actionable recommendations for senior executive
Cpf final 4

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