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Traffic Manager e-commerce (DTC)

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Contenu de l'offre Traffic Manager e-commerce (DTC) chez coty

We’re Coty, a global leader in beauty. We’re World #1 in Fragrance, World #2 in
Professional Hair Care and World #3 in Colour Cosmetics. Our iconic portfolio of more than 77 brands are sold in over 150 countries around the world. We believe in beauty with a purpose and brands that inspire, no matter where they are in the world.

DTC Ecommerce Performance Marketing Manager:
Will collaborate with DTC Ecommerce team, and Paris-based COTY Global Brand team and the media agency to define and manage the Paid Media Plan and coordinate all activities and placements. Will manage their budget accordingly create and manage campaigns and programmes to reach sales targets as well as to grow, nurture and reactivate customer segments.

Reports to:
Director, DTC Ecommerce EUROPE based in Paris

Defines the Regional plan of activation for Paid marketing activities
Leverage the global marketing calendar to define the regional activation calendar for all paid activities ie e-mail, SMS, paid social, paid search, display etc.
Responsible for regularly updating the DTC Marketing Calendar for planned paid activities to provide visibility to other stakeholders, ensuring changes are communicated
Work with NY-based DTC Ecommerce team and Brand team to get appropriate approvals for planned activity
Work with the Global Project Co-cordinator to be notified of unplanned activities and changes to timelines
React in an agile way to re-priorities activities and actively respond to unplanned activities
Define digital channel mix, execution strategy and testing of new channels for Region
Work closely with the customer services team to ensure they are kept updated on site activity which could impact customer service activity

Manages the campaigns, content & copy for Paid Media
Drive campaigns from planning to execution and beyond to meet key performance metrics
Responsible for briefing the Content Production Manager on asset requirements and then executing these pre-prepared assets via the appropriate tools ie Klaviyo
Accountable for the Regional CRM activation plan and execution for paid activities to drive loyalty
Work closely with Demand Planning Manager to ensure upcoming campaigns are supported with appropriate stock
Execute the scaling of organic social content to maximise uplift and extend the peaks
Manage paid SEO to gain traffic and visibility from search engine through winning search terms, buying search terms, google terms etc.

Track the performance of Paid Media spend
Own budget for performance marketing activities and work closely with the Growth Marketing Director allocate the budget to key initiatives based on market insights
Estimate total sales opportunity based on approved and incremental budgets per channel
Responsible for working closely with the Data Analyst to track and report success of paid campaigns, share learnings with Content Production Manager and use it as a basis to inform future content decisions
Carry out A/B creative testing with the support of the Content Production Manager in order to optimise content
Work closely with the media agency to optimise in-flight paid media campaigns and improve return on investment
5+ years Ecommerce Merchandising experience working on DTC Ecommerce brand managing Paid Media activities
Experience in working in a busy DTC Ecommerce environment and being able to demonstrate flexibility when plans change
Understanding of channels, campaigns and content complemented by strong analytical skill
Master of performance marketing tools: expert in using email campaign (Adobe) and SMS execution tools
Commercially minded and able to drive positive ROI on campaigns
Passionate learner who stays on top of E-commerce and Digital Marketing capabilities
Natural team player, putting others before self, and actively engaging with internal and external stakeholders at all levels
A well-developed sense of humor and grace under pressure
Cpf final 4

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Traffic Manager e-commerce (DTC)
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