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Contenu de l'offre Growth Hacker (H/F) chez Cubyn

Paris (75) Founded in 2014, Cubyn entered the logistics industry by focusing on e-merchants willing to outsource their logistics, and rapidly became a leader in the 1st-mile logistics segment. It was the beirth of the pick-pack-ship service, now unshackling hundreds of e-merchant around Paris.
In April 2019, Cubyn launched its new fully integrated fulfillment solution, now allowing e-merchants to stock their items in Cubyn’s warehouse and automatically process their orders. With this new offer, the addressable market is now tenfold and Cubyn wants to pursue its growth of 300% per year.
As a Growth-Hacker you’ll be working in the Growth team to set the growth strategy, build your own experiments and analyse them.
You are ambitious, always raise the standards, thrive on going the extra-mile and have a “getting things done” mindset. This is a real opportunity for you to make a difference and measure your impact in a faced paced environment !
Missions : Leverage data to identify and qualify prospects for Cubyn Optimize Cubyn’s acquisition funnel using tech Find new ways of generating and qualifying leads Design, build and analyse growth experiments
Profile : 2 years in a growth/marketing team You have a strong analytical mindset You are tech savvy, can build scripts, scrapers
What you get at Cubyn : Work in a fast growing company Have direct and visible impact on the company's growth The perfect environment to gain knowledge, acquire new skills and evolve quickly Events and drinks with the team Gymlib
Cpf final 4

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Growth Hacker (H/F)
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