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Contenu de l'offre Intern - Data Analyst chez CybelAngel

Do you want to join a scaling and dynamic environment? Are you curious to discover a very promising business sector? Do you want to have a start-up experience? Do you want to participate in the growth of a company like CybelAngel? Do not hesitate to apply at this opportunity!
CybelAngel's mission is to create cutting-edge technologies to make the Internet a safer place. Thanks to our in-house developed solution we are able to detect data leaks over the Internet (e.g. Dark Web, Deep Web) as well as connected devices.
Using artificial intelligence, we identify sensitive data and provide a real-time alert service to our clients. We are therefore able to help major companies in securing and protecting their sensitive and confidential information and anticipating high risk security threats.
CybelAngel was founded in 2013 in Paris and we count more than 150 employees worldwide (in the US, France and the UK). We have a culture of team spirit, ambition and a high commitment to ethics.
We are constantly looking to add new talents and expertise in order to help us solve the growing security threats over the Web. In order to ensure our growth, we carried out a successful Series B fund raise in Feb. 2020 with a total founding of $ 52M.

Our values:
Be Curious
Be Bold
Stronger Together
Job Description
You will have a pivotal role at CybelAngel with many contact points across Marketing, Product, Sales, Customer Success, etc. With the help of Simon (Data Analyst), your role is to understand the operational rationale to provide the most relevant analysis, metric or dashboard. You will contribute to all data processing steps from cleaning to providing the final deliverables. It will also be possible to lead your own high impact data science project such as a lead scoring model.

At the end of your internship:
You will have contributed to many high value projects at CybelAngel
You will know how to extracts actionable insights from raw data
You will have a good understanding of how a Next40 scale up operates
Your missions

As Data Analyst Intern, your mission will be as follows: Daily basis:
Prepare ad-hoc analyses for strategic needs (for our investors and / or C-Levels)
Perform deep-dive analysis to take informed strategic decisions
Be the privileged interlocutor of other CybelAngel teams by building a trustful relationship
Create and maintain insightful dashboards
Data science project (optional)
Create a lead scoring model from scratch using feedback from the marketing and sales team
Skills and Qualifications
Gap year student from engineering school or similar
Business oriented mind
Experience working with SQL and BI tools
Eager to have a quick impact
Fluent both in French and English
Rigorous, autonomous, proactive, positive and team player
Preferred experience
Dual diploma with a business school or similar
Python / R skills
First experience in data science
Location: Paris
Contract: Internship
Availability: September

Note that if within a month you have not received any mail or messages from us, please consider that we have not shortlisted your application for the position.

Job Type: Internship

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Intern - Data Analyst
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