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Senior Talent Acquisition Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Talent Acquisition Manager chez CybelAngel

Description du poste

At CybelAngel, we see beyond perimeters to protect businesses from the most critical digital threats. Our 180+ team members around the world provide cybersecurity solutions to Fortune 500 Global companies. Our advanced software, and our expert cyber analyst team, detect and resolve critical threats, long before they fall into the hands of cyber criminals.It’s only the beginning. At CybelAngel, our capabilities expand every day to cover new risks and new possibilities. Beyond perimeters. Join us!With offices in Boston, Paris, and London, CybelAngel’s global footprint allows for a thriving hybrid and remote work environment. We are proud of our culture of ambition and high commitment to ethics.Our values:Be CuriousBe BoldStronger Together Job DescriptionDirectly reporting to our VP People you will be part of the entire recruitment strategy of CybelAngel in the EMEA area, and therefore as a Senior Talent Acquisition Manager, your mission will be:1/Recruitment and sourcing: Recruit for several teams (Analyst, Sales, Marketing, G&A, etc.); Manage the full-cycle recruiting process;Source candidates from direct targeting, social networking, and employee referrals and research the best way/tools to identify and attract candidate;Be a trusted advisor for candidates and ensure a great candidate experience through an efficient and pleasant recruitment process. 2/ Build strong partnerships with hiring managers: Define priorities and engage the hiring managers with clear guidelines and support.Set up a recruitment strategy;Understand their population, needs and the requirements of each interview processStreamline our evaluation process and ensure that the recruitment process is clear, defined, fluid and efficient for managers; Regularly over-communicate information such as candidate pipelines, recruiting funnel metrics, and performance data. 3/ Improve our recruitment strategy Design and drive the adoption of efficient and structured recruiting, interviewing and hiring practices that support a strong candidate experience;Partner closely with our leaders & hiring managers to understand recruiting plans across all functions, manage the forecast & timelines, and educate internally on best-in-class recruiting techniques;Generate new recruiting solutions, tactics, partnerships & providers that will help sustain our success;Establish a strong and global employer branding strategy that reflects our internal culture: create and inspire targeted attraction methods (events, social media campaigns, external relationships, etc.) to support our recruitment and D&I objective;Promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and ensure recruiting strategies attract diverse candidates;Identify & develop relevant recruitment metrics, reports & dashboards to track performance and support business decisions. Requirements Skills and qualifications You have a minimum of 3 to 4 years of experience as a Talent Acquisition Manager in tech environments; You speak both french and english fluently; You want to work in a fast-growing and in an international environment;You have a deep understanding of the challenges a company like ours is facing;You are a great communicator (verbally & in writing) and an active listener;Your goal is to deliver a strong support to the managers and the candidates;You are very organized and able to manage multiple subjects at the same time in total autonomy;You are engaged in building a diverse and inclusive culture;You are agile and you are constantly looking for new ways of assessing candidates through innovative tools;You are a real team player who wants to build a big success story with us. Benefits About the team Gregory, our VP People Celena and Pierre, our Talent Acquisition ManagersHayette, our HRBPAlexia, our HR Advisor Joanna, our Happiness & Office Manager Brandy, HR Manager (in the US) Gianna, Talent Partner (in the US) The process Screen call HR with Celena - 30mnCall with Gregory - 30mnBusiness case with Celena/Pierre and Gregory - 1h Call with Grégory (an other one!), our COO - 30mnMeet someone from the business!A lunch with the HR team Note that if within a month you have not received any mail or messages from us, please consider that we have not shortlisted your application for the position.

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Senior Talent Acquisition Manager
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