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Talent Acquisition Manager Tech H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Talent Acquisition Manager Tech H/F chez CybelAngel

Paris (75)

Attached to our HR Director, our future Talent Acquisition Manager will have the responsibilities of developing and supporting the CybelAngel team with a focus on the Tech team.

For this, he / she will ensure complete autonomy in the entire recruitment process:

From understanding the needs to the on-boarding of the new recruit, and will ensure the good development of employees within CybelTeam.

Your main missions will be as follows:

Recruitment and Onboarding:

Collecting recruitment needs from managers, Writing job descriptions in collaboration with team managers, Build the recruitment strategy and recruitment process, Identify, source and interview the best candidates from junior, Conducting telephone interviews and HR qualification interviews Organisation of operational interviews Define clear goals, track efficiency and quality metrics Get yourself constantly up to date on the latest recruitment & employer branding trends & tools,

Schools and employer-brand relationship:

Monitoring schools and specialised forums on technical profiles Organisation and participation in Schools forums (registration, choice of participants internally, management of the stand and communication media, etc.) Organisation of events and conferences in Schools Development of CybelAngel's presence and its employer brand with schools (visual communication, social networks, presentation video, etc.) Global HR projects

In a few words :

Recruit global & diverse top tech talents from junior to experts Make CybelAngel values heard & shine among the Tech community


You already have 2 years of experience in recruitment, especially on technical profiles (developers in particular), You master HR tools and you are a fast learner, You have excellent interpersonal skills that allow you to be comfortable with different interlocutors, on the phone as well as face to face, Real Swiss Army Knife, you are always rigorous and organized in the realization of various projects, You have fluent English (oral and written) and already recruited international profiles and conducted interviews in English, You want to join the CybelAngel adventure and participate in the exponential development of his team,


Be part of a fast-paced growing startup with a positive impact Evolve in a stimulating and challenging environment Friendly team and offices in Paris, New York Great compensation package Good work-life balance, occasional work from home, RTT Tangible career development possibilities as we grow strong Meal vouchers - LunchR Excellent private health care 50% Reimbursement of Navigo Annual company offsite & inter-office trip Free fruits & snacks, tea & coffee Chilling area with Mario Kart Tournament on lunch breaks
Cpf final 4

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Talent Acquisition Manager Tech H/F
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