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Marketing manager Growth Hacker SAAS Startup for Cycloid DevOps platform & Cloud

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing manager Growth Hacker SAAS Startup for Cycloid DevOps platform & Cloud chez Cycloid

About us

Our purpose:
Simplify, accelerate and optimize DevOps and Cloud adoption by empowering people.

Our Goal:
we want that people work together and be also able to focus on what matters: focus on code for developers to develop new features, manage infra as code for operations, release management for release manager and answer the fastest to market needs for executive people.

we develop Cycloid DevOps platform which integrates various modules:

Stack Craft which generates your infra as code from a diagram a public service catalogue with some first-class template or your own private service catalogue Continuous integration in SAAS based on Concourse or be able to plug on any kind of CI Continuous Deployment pipeline for traditional, container or serverless Apps monitoring, events and log-centralization a simplify and centralize automation cost management control to control your spend connectors with global other products

Our product, based on the best Open Source technologies, allows you to use one or all modules to simplify, accelerate or optimize your road to DevOps and Cloud adoption.

At the end, the goal is to decrease the time to market, time to delivery and help people work together.

If you need some services, we have built a strong network internally and with our partner to address any kind of projects.

Far beyond this both offer, Cycloid has been created to re-think tomorrow organization, willing to reconcile growth, well-being, success and sales / tech organization.

We are a French / European company which want to build the EU leader in our field: DevOps platform, PAAS, CMP.

2019 is the year of sales and marketing acceleration. Our ambition is to double the team every year with the respect of people, collaborative recruitment process and only with located EU people.

Your challenge

We are a looking for a Marketing Manager / Growth Hacker for Cycloid and especially Cycloid DevOps platform in SAAS.

Your job consists of a cross job function both as a strategic, operational, digital and growth hacker. You will be the first one in the marketing department.

As a strategic, operational and automation marketing manager, you will:

participate to the definition of the marketing strategy and communication: elaboration of the annual marketing plan formulate and coordinate marketing activities or guidelines: trade shows, promotions, advertising plan organize from 0 to 1 all the events: preparation, participation, follow the result. We plan also to organize our own DevOps event in Paris then in Europe start, create and implement a complete automation marketing platform: inbound, outbound etc create, define the strategy and manage the brand management analyze trends in IT Cloud / DevOps markets, economy, industry start, oversee and analyze market studies compile lists and descriptions of the company's products and services competitors identify potential markets for the company's products and services define, manage, contribute and grow social media strategy: LinkedIn, Twitter etc.. create a monthly summary newsletter around DevOps & Cloud and new organization model such as Teal / Holacracy etc handle the evolution, management, content of the website work in close relation with the sale team to create marketing content: presentation work with partners to generate common communication and content create videos with customers

As a growth hacker, you will:

choose which metrics/KPIs to focus on bring traditional and creative ideas about how to grow those KPIs A/B testing those ideas analyze the data and users’ feedback exchange ideas/data/feedback with other departments in order to present results and make the product more user-centric drive traffic to Cycloid website, landing pages, social media, apps… understanding conversion rate optimization (CRO) principles and hacks and being able to apply CRO hacks to any businesses. working on a lean startup process working with the AARRR Sales Metrics Diagram (Acquisition – Activation – Retention – Referral - Revenue) prioritizing growth channels optimizing channels in order to always improve the performance of Cycloid business scaling and Automating the growth processes knowledgeable about referral marketing and being able to create viral growth. Skills

You will have a profile with:

Master’s degree in Marketing, at least Extensive and significant marketing experience > 7 years in IT / SAAS Startup and ideally a mindset of an entrepreneur you are native / completely fluent in English / French and a 3rd language such a German, Spanish would be perfect you are located in Europe, remote accepted, but preferably in Paris headquarter office a really clear understanding of DevOps, Cloud ecosystem proven experience of delivering relevant and appealing marketing strategies from strategy definition to strategy execution and results a proven track record of flexibility with an ability to manage changing/moving deadlines very strong organizational skills and an ability to prioritize workload. A completer of tasks, overcoming obstacles and working to very tight deadlines an ability to diffuse difficult situations with many stakeholders at varying levels of the business exceptional interpersonal skills with an ability to develop strong collaborative relationships inside and outside of URW excellent communications skills with the ability to explain marketing strategies and initiatives meaningfully to non-technical stakeholders being data-driven and kind of a data-geek: a clear understanding of data, analytics, metrics and statistics being social and understanding users’ behaviour. Having great customer relations skills and being focus on customer experience willing to learn and curious having a startup mindset A/B Testing and Data Analytics experience editing and copywriting skills not being scared of pivoting knowledge about both inbound and outbound marketing programming knowledge: even if it’s not compulsory, it is recommended. being performance and results-oriented being curious and creative being relentless in pursuit of growth having experience with growth hackings tools such as Optimizely for A/B Testing, MailChimp for email marketing campaigns, HubSpot for CRM, sales and marketing purposes, Zapier to automate workflows…

You will be a key player inside Cycloid and the opportunities to grow are important as we plan to accelerate in Europe.

The total package salary is attractive and will depend on your location and experience.

We have a strong culture and hope you share our mindset.

Cycloid is committed to having equality between women and men. In that way, we strongly encourage women's application.

Join the tribes!

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Marketing manager Growth Hacker SAAS Startup for Cycloid DevOps platform & Cloud
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