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Tech Talent Acquisition Manager (M/F/NB)

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Contenu de l'offre Tech Talent Acquisition Manager (M/F/NB) chez D-EDGE

Have you ever booked a hotel online ? Then you’ve probably used D-EDGE without knowing it.
Every day, we help more than 17,000 hotels worldwide to develop their online visibility and sales through a range of SaaS and digital marketing solutions. Amongst the 480 D-EDGERs, the R&D team is made up of a hundred or so enthusiasts who are reinventing hotel booking for both the traveller and the hotelier.
As a subsidiary of the Accor group, D-EDGE simplifies the life of independent hotels and hotel chains alike.


As part of our ambitious recruitment plan (more than 100 people within 18 months), the Tech TA is in charge of the entire recruitment process for Tech profiles (developers, infrastructure managers, QA, Product Managers, Business Analysts, etc.), from the job brief to the candidate onboarding. You will rely on a network of partner agencies, and on the help of Talent Acquisition Coordinators.

You will work closely with teams to execute our ambitious hiring plan Find the best international candidates via several channels, with an emphasis on direct sourcing. Manage all the partner agencies we work with (briefing, follow-up, kpi...) Be a true business partner for managers: understand their needs, develop an adapted recruitment strategy, Manage the entire recruitment process, from selection to offer, To be a D-EDGE ambassador for our candidates, with an innovative mindset, Ensure that we maintain a top notch experience for candidates, Improve our internal recruitment process, tools and reporting, Lead some internal recruitment projects such as referral projects, recruitment events, employer branding, etc


You have more than 3 years of experience in tech recruitment, in a start-up, a company or an agency, You have experience using traditional and creative tools to identify, recruit, and close high-level candidates, You have the organizational skills to manage a high volume of hiring You have strong sourcing and growth hacking skills, You are skilled in negotiation and closing, You are passionate about technological culture. Languages: fluent English.


Attractive salary according to your profile D-Edge is Remote Friendly 50% of transport costs from home to work Meal Allowance (Swile : 9,48€/day, paid at 60%) Accor Employee Card : Discount on hotel bookings Incentives plans, bonuses and wage savings Individual access to the Udemy e-learning platform (more than 100,000 online courses) Online medical consultations (QARE) CSE: Sports and cultural activities, gift cards and various discounts Vendredi : Access a network of certified nonprofits

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI
Statut : Cadre

Horaires :

Travail en journée

Date de début prévue : 04/07/2022

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Tech Talent Acquisition Manager (M/F/NB)
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