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Business Operations Analyst - Intern (M/F)

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Contenu de l'offre Business Operations Analyst - Intern (M/F) chez Dailymotion

Description du poste

Within the AdTech department in charge of the monetization of Dailymotion, we are looking for someone to join and support the Business Operations & Analytics team.
Our goal is to help the whole department understand performance and gain efficiency by providing the best business insights and improving our processes.
To achieve this, you will actively contribute to transverse projects, in direct relationship with top managers, covering various problematics such as revenue monitoring, yield optimization, inventory qualification, country performance, sales processes improvements…etc.
Responsibilities will include (non-exhaustive list):
Business Data Management: work closely with the Data team to understand and improve our data infrastructure and query it fast for ongoing demands:
Manage all ongoing requests efficiently, querying data with the relevant tools (SQL / Tableau)
Provide the best data for any given need: correct, relevant, insightful and actionable
Skills you will develop: great organizational skills working on multiple demands in parallel, as well as technical expertise to query data. You'll also gain a comprehensive understanding of the Data infrastructure of a large tech company.
Business Analytics: transform data into great best business insights for the AdTech department, being either in charge or contributing to various deliverables:
Monitor daily KPIs and alert in case of strong changes
Manage and improve recurring reports / analysis, providing both data and key insights
Provide recommendations and follow actions
Contribute to building our Dashboards to cover most needs of the teams
Skills you will develop: both hard skills (Excel, PowerPoint, Tableau Dashboards) and soft skills including: maintaining very high standards for deliverables (extreme rigor), managing deadlines and priorities, synthesis skills (become "message first")…
Internal Consulting & Strategic Intelligence: transform business insights into concrete actions and improve processes for both our team and the AdTech department
Support the team on any projects that we need to put in place to improve performance
Harmonize and centralize our internal best practices on Data Management and Business Analytics
Help provide material for the C-level, to support their strategic decisions
Engage with other teams on transversal projects that can imply a business change, assessing potential opportunities and risks
Skills you will develop: first learnings on project management, improving relevant written & oral communication (C-level vs. managers vs. operational), comprehensive understanding of key factors of success and failure of the different teams of the department, expertise and understanding of the AdTech industry.

Description du profil

Ongoing or obtained Master's degree from a Top Business or Engineering School (in finance, strategy, economics, applied mathematics or any other quantitative field)
Great rigor: very structured approach to problems and strong attention to details
Creative and entrepreneurial skills, highly autonomous
Great synthesis skills - being able to synthesize complex subjects into a couple of key messages
Highly proficient on Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word
Knowledge and great motivation for the Digital / Technology / AdTech industries
Previous experience with SQL and Tableau is a big plus
Previous experience is valued (previous internship in a consulting firm, an investment bank or in the digital media / advertising industry)
Fluent English (written and oral)
Cpf final 4

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Business Operations Analyst - Intern (M/F)
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