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IT & DATA - Asset Manager - Rueil-Malmaison

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Contenu de l'offre IT & DATA - Asset Manager - Rueil-Malmaison chez Danone

IT & DATA - Asset Manager - Rueil-Malmaison

The IT&Data France team is part of the global IT & Data common at Danone, with the purpose "We inspire & empower Danone through the world of tech and data" we support Danone to achieve its 2030 goals around One Planet One Health. IT & Data has set an ambitious vision, for technology and data to be declared strategic differentiators of Danone by 2025, powered by an agile IT & Data organization.

We are looking for a Asset Manager, the position is based in Rueil.

The Asset Manager is responsible for IT assets and associated budgets. He / She manages the assets in accordance with the processes and the defined strategy. She/He also has an advisory, analytical and IT recommendation role with the Head of UserWorkspace.

The Asset Manager will have the responsibility of:

1) Manage teams on France scope, internal & external ressources to

- Increase the level of customer satisfaction

- Ensure our delivery capacity.

- Be proactive in change management.

- Drive stakeholders and contractual engagement

The scope of your teams is to develop activities around Procurement and Device Management

- Management of Asset for WorkStation & Telephony

- PC Procurement & logistic Organisation

- Inventory management

- Maintain CMDB

- Optimiz asset acquisition

- Track differential with CMDB and Service Now request

- Asset Management Optimization

- Stock Management regulation

- Harmonize the way of working (same methodology for all)

2) Coordinate and communicate within IT&Data France and the various entities within the Group: CBS, other service lines and various 3rd party contractors (HP, SFR, Orange...).

- Communicate and elaborate strategic roadmap for IT&Data France,

- Coordinate operational activities with other IT&Data France service lines to ensure that delivery is at the right level,

- Responsible towards IT&Data France in terms of communication about Crisis, RCA, in his domain with SM Support,

- Report and communicate KPI, SLA & following criteria to management.

3/ Manage Run activities:

- Control and manage quality of Delivery to Users, including incidents resolution,

- Responsible for objectives and SLA definition with various stakeholders,

- Perform homogenous and standard processes and contribute to their improvement with Innovation as a motor

- Define and communicate specifications of added value service level relevant to the business and the organization

Manager with 5+ years of experience within an IT or IS function, with at least, some competencies in IT, preferably in Service Delivery and WorkStation User experience.

You have a broad knowledge on Information system, from project management skills to production management.

You have strong communication and networking skills at different levels of the organization.

You are sensible to Service Level and results oriented in a fast moving environment to have a sustainable efficiency.

You have strong competencies in people development and leadership and are able to lead in inclear situation.

Fluency in French mandatory.


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IT & DATA - Asset Manager - Rueil-Malmaison
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