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Contenu de l'offre Growth Hacker chez DataDome

Paris (75) DataDome is one of the fastest growing tech startup in Paris. We offer a cutting edge technology that protects eCommerce websites against advanced cyber attacks.

Based on AI & Machine Learning, our cybersecurity solution can detect & block in real-time the most sophisticated bot attacks.

We're proud to protect more than 10 000 domains worldwide, including TripAdvisor, The New-York Times, Carrefour, BlaBlaCar, Rakuten, Veepee, Adevinta.

Our offices in Paris & New-York gather talents coming from 10 different countries. Our employees particularly appreciate our central & modern offices, an accessible management, team building twice a year, monthly 'aperos' and a relaxing room with a baby foot, video games and a punching bag!

Want to help us win the war against bad bots? Join our Botbusters team!

The team:
You will be part of the Growth Team, made of 8 people who test and deploy every day new techniques & solutions to generate prospects.

Your manager will be the Head of Growth and your missions will bring you to work with the Sales, Tech & Marketing teams.

We're looking for someone to help us scale our Growth Laboratory!

Your will be more specifically in charge of:
Launching and optimizing ads on LinkedIn, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, … Creating engaging emails, landing pages & chat messages Analyzing data and behaviors to better understand our target Identifying new growth potentials by testing new channels, messages, processes, tools Automating proven strategies with tools such as Zapier, Zoho, ActiveCampaign,, Intercom, Phantombuster, … You're the perfect candidate if you:
Have already worked in a startup or launched your own project Have a proven experience with online advertising platforms (Adwords, Bing/Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) Have a good knowledge of website analytics tools (Google Analytics) Know at least 1 web language (html, css, sql, …) Like having your hands on transversal projects and share your learnings with other teams Have good analytical and reporting skills Like learning & testing new things Are able to adapt in a fast changing environment By joining DataDome you will have access to:
A stimulating working environment with a first class R&D team creating a cutting edge solution, making DataDome one of the strongest performers in the bot protection industry A joyful workplace with many events throughout the year: annual offsite, summer and Christmas parties, drinks, breakfast every Friday morning... Amazing offices located Rue de Rivoli with a 360 view of the most beautiful city in the world! An attractive remuneration scheme and rewards policy A lunchR card Alan health insurance What are the next steps?

If your application is selected, our Talent Acquisition Manager will contact you for a first chat You will then meet the Head of Growth in our office The final step will be a 1to1 meeting with a member of the board Welcome to DataDome!
Cpf final 4

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